Forum Discussion

Virazol's avatar
6 years ago

Taking selfies with other sims gives a massive amount of friendship points.

No idea if this is a bug or not, also not sure if this is where I should post this (these forums are confusing) but using the "take photo with" action twice and taking 10 photos with a sim gets me almost max friendship..
  • I noticed this too recently. Like my Sims are friendly with another Sim then all of a sudden after taking a selfie I get the notification that they're good friends now.
  • I noticed this with tripod, but I thought it was intentional (like, you know, you offer someone a free photoshoot and then they think you're a great person, lol). But now I'm pretty sure it's a bug.
  • Just noticed it yesterday. It's fine with friends, but I don't want my sims to become good friends with everyone they take a photo of. I am pretty sure that it wasn't always that way
  • Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. Guess the days of cloud gazing for hours to make friends is behind us! Just snap a few photos together and they'll take a bullet for us.
  • Not just photos with them but photos of them. It may be a bug but I love it and use it to very quickly increase friendship haha

    I first noticed it right after Moschino came out