Forum Discussion

moppy14w's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
12 months ago

Tell me about.. Forgotten Hallow

In case I decide to move some Sims there.

-What is the weather like?
-Vlad is approximately, how old?
-Have you even made over the Vatore siblings?
- Community lots in Forgotten Hallow?
- Anything else I should know?
  • You know, I have to have a look how Forgotten Hollow appears in the winter with Seasons installed. All the gothic looking buildings should look like a fantasy story with a layer of snow over them. Sort of like Narnia in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" vibes.
  • "NRowe;d-1011278" wrote:
    In case I decide to move some Sims there.

    -What is the weather like?
    -Vlad is approximately, how old?
    -Have you even made over the Vatore siblings?
    - Community lots in Forgotten Hallow?
    - Anything else I should know?

    Dark and gloomy
    He's been around since Old Spice was just Spice
    Occasional minor tinkering with Lilith, ignore Caleb
    Usually make the small lower left house into a restaurant with upstairs bedroom to give my sims a place to crash while waiting for the plants to be harvestable.
    Useful for fishing and chess while waiting for the plants to be harvestable. I ignore it otherwise.
  • Weather? Idk tbh, I only got snow enabled
    Vlad is older than he looks :D
    Nah, the Vatores were kicked out of FH in my game (so was Vlad), and will probly turn into dust in the future
    Originally there are only residential lots, I added a church/graveyard/nightclub at Vlads former lot and a shop for dark magic and a crypt/bar.

    "Ellupelluellu;c-18315780" wrote:
    World I would give anything to be at least double of it's size <3 is such a truly unique world, shame it is so small.
  • I moved the Goth villa and the Goths from willow creek to Forgotten Hollow. I think they suit the worlds aesthetic well. And like @Atreya33, I also have the Noble Vampires living in Vlads house (together with Vlad). Ophelia Spectre also lives in The world along with all her deceased family members and help. Her grand daughter is a paranormal investigator and their house is haunted.

    The only community lot I have is an old cemetery that has a night club under it, called Thirst. I have a couple of rival vampire clubs that frequent the nightclub and wreck havoc on the visiting sims.

    The Vatores are around but I’ve never really played them. I did pair up Caleb with Morgyn Ember the spellcaster sage though. They seem like the perfect fit for each other.

  • I emptied it of everyone and everything. I added all commercial neon buildings. I think it's beautiful.
  • For the one empty lot, I added an official premade lot from the gallery that is basically an above-ground cemetery with a below-ground vampire nightclub.

    I may have missed it if anyone else mentioned this, but it gets dark earlier in the day, and stays dark later.

    I didn't do anything with the Vatores. I moved them out, but didn't delete them, so I see them around the neighborhood all the time. I may eventually incorporate them into my gameplay.

    I left Vlad in his household and gave him a vampire bride and two large, creepy hounds. I also made him self-employed (so the game wouldn't make him a policeman again), but other than that, haven't really played that household.

    I added three new households:

    - A human teen living with a brother and sister who are vampires. After she was orphaned, she was sent to Forgotten Hollow to live with her great aunt; she found the house abandoned, except for the aforementioned vampires. They are not good vampires, per se, but they are sworn to protect her family line, so basically, they feed on other humans, but guard her from the other supernatural creatures.

    - the Harker household, also orphans. YA Mina should be taking care of her younger brother and sister, but she is erratic and drawn to the supernatural, so she spends her days sleeping and her nights wandering the town and its surroundings. She will eventually move in with Vlad, leaving her siblings to fend for themselves.

    - the Fenris household. Lucian is a lone werewolf, who moved to FH to spy on Vlad on behalf of his pack. (He has a small telescope on his porch, pointed directly up the hill at Vlad's house, and secret tunnels that lead back to Moonwood Mill. He is charming but evil, and a werewolf supremacist, who is also romantically obsessed with a spellcaster living in Glimmerbrook. (She is part of the long-lost Mooncaster bloodline, so he believes that if he can marry her, their children will be fulfil their destiny to become the ultimate werewolf pack. She is good and focused on light magic, like most of her sisters, but she has one evil sister who is scheming to help Lucian woo her, for her own nefarious purposes.)