"GalacticGal;c-16288958" wrote:
No, but I would love to start. It is tedious, and if something vitally goes wrong and the best thing is to start anew all of that work is for naught. One day, I'll just take the time to set the world up the way I want it and then do a Save As. How do you get it to come up when you're wanting to use it, though? Just load it and do a save as before you plant your family?
Yes, you set up the template, I use " Template 01" as the file name. Then when you want to start a new game, select this save file to load and immediately , once it loads, select " save as" and name it whatever, now you can use this game file to start your new play. Your template is untouched.
One thing I noticed, is that in a game file you need to always have one household selected as played/active, whatever its called now. The game does not like when there are no houses selected in that.