Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
3 years ago

Thank Goodness the Neighbors are Several Yards Away!

They had twins. Twins that once again are rather colicky! They cry and fuss more than they do anything else, in fact. I can hardly blame their daddy for not being home so often, these days. LOL Do I dare age them up? Their older brother is still just a Toddler and has many more days to go in this age-stage. Oh, dear. What to do, what to do?

I am completely surprised nobody has complained for all the racket going on. Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa all day, practically and most of the night, too.

Thank goodness they live way out in the Country!

Thanks for letting me vent. Oh, and if you have a solution to offer, I won't be at all offended. :)
  • I must say I do enjoy your ability to make the most of the game's potential for imagination and creativity. ? None of my sim babies have ever suffered from colic but it does make for good storytelling.
  • "simgirl1010;c-17987616" wrote:
    I must say I do enjoy your ability to make the most of the game's potential for imagination and creativity. ? None of my sim babies have ever suffered from colic but it does make for good storytelling.

    Oh, trust me these babies don't stop crying. I'm utilizing this as part of the story, not creating it for the sake of a story. The save prior to this one they did the same dang thing. I think these baby girls are just on the cranky side. :open_mouth: But, I do thank you for the compliment. :) At least in the prior save they would quiet when their daddy played his guitar. Erik isn't having such luck in this save. :'(
  • @Razz ROFL you crack me up! I love your logic. The twins are already set to age up on Sunday. It's Friday in my game. I just may go ahead and age them up. It's not like their 'big girl' room isn't ready. (I just pray that this game save doesn't go wonky on me again. Can you fathom me trying to go through this again, should the twins be equally cranky? That would be the third time in a row!) :open_mouth: I shall have to see if things work out in such a manner as to have daughter bring home a boyfriend for Erik to torment. Hehehehe … I like it.
  • @GalacticGal

    Twins are definitely interesting. When Dylan and Zephyr were babies, I gave the parents roles. Calum changed the diapers and Arihi fed them. They would get lots of attention from both parents. Watcher, it wasn't easy. Are you sure the Twins aren't crying because the other started crying.

    I noticed with my Island Aliens Household that the Two Babies in the same room can wake each other up with their crying.

    Babies have hidden needs. The most pressing are Hunger and Hygiene, but they also have a Fun and Social need. The Fun and Social Needs are the tricky ones.

    Dylan and Zephyr did everything together at every life stage, so they definitely have moments of being in sync with each other. When I get the chance, I'll have to share screenshots of them using the same exact animation at the same exact time. I think they enjoy giving me a hard time telling them apart.
  • "Metior_Ice;c-17996972" wrote:

    Twins are definitely interesting. When Dylan and Zephyr were babies, I gave the parents roles. Calum changed the diapers and Arihi fed them. They would get lots of attention from both parents. Watcher, it wasn't easy. Are you sure the Twins aren't crying because the other started crying.

    I noticed with my Island Aliens Household that the Two Babies in the same room can wake each other up with their crying.

    Babies have hidden needs. The most pressing are Hunger and Hygiene, but they also have a Fun and Social need. The Fun and Social Needs are the tricky ones.

    Dylan and Zephyr did everything together at every life stage, so they definitely have moments of being in sync with each other. When I get the chance, I'll have to share screenshots of them using the same exact animation at the same exact time. I think they enjoy giving me a hard time telling them apart.

    I color coded mine. Melody wears pink and Harmony is in purple. Plus, I did their blonde hair up differently to see more readily who is who. LOL
  • @GalacticGal

    "GalacticGal;c-17997092" wrote:
    "Metior_Ice;c-17996972" wrote:

    Twins are definitely interesting. When Dylan and Zephyr were babies, I gave the parents roles. Calum changed the diapers and Arihi fed them. They would get lots of attention from both parents. Watcher, it wasn't easy. Are you sure the Twins aren't crying because the other started crying.

    I noticed with my Island Aliens Household that the Two Babies in the same room can wake each other up with their crying.

    Babies have hidden needs. The most pressing are Hunger and Hygiene, but they also have a Fun and Social need. The Fun and Social Needs are the tricky ones.

    Dylan and Zephyr did everything together at every life stage, so they definitely have moments of being in sync with each other. When I get the chance, I'll have to share screenshots of them using the same exact animation at the same exact time. I think they enjoy giving me a hard time telling them apart.

    I color coded mine. Melody wears pink and Harmony is in purple. Plus, I did their blonde hair up differently to see more readily who is who. LOL

    You're smarter than me. The only difference between Dylan and Zeph, as far as appearances are concerned, are the shades of blue in their outfits. The game actually automatically sends one or both of the twins home when a lot loads. I guess the game is trying to help me tell the difference by only letting one act as a townie or NPC at a time. If they are both on the lot, one is filling in NPC role such as conservationist or entertainer while the other fills a townie role.

    The thing about my twins is that they are very different sims. Dylan has Creative traits while Zephyr has Knowledge traits.

    Dylan is:

    1. Creative
    2. Child of the Ocean
    3. Music Lover
    4. Muser
    5. Great Storyteller
    6. Piper
    7. Expressionist

    Zephyr is:

    1. Genius
    2. Child of the Ocean
    3. Geek
    4. Quick Learner
    5. Observant
    6. Handy
    7. High level skills in Programming, Gaming, Logic, Research and Debate, Rocket Science, and Handiness

    Dylan can manipulate the moods of sims. His art and music holds powerful sway over other sims. He has high level skills with Fabrication, Painting, Guitar, Violin, and etc. It's not uncommon for Dylan to sell art and busk with a Guitar or Violin. If you encountered Dylan in world, he'd probably tell your sim a story that will make them Confident, Energized, or Playful. Dylan can easily make lots of simoleons effortlessly.

    Zeph can bring out the full potential of anything that can be upgraded. He can instantly upgrade anything and quickly build a rocket ship. Zephyr knows all of a sims traits upon introduction. Zephyr is often sorely missed when he's separated from Dylan because he has the functional skills required to keep a household going.

    Even though Dylan and Zeph are so different, they still look so much the same. I intentionally made them that way.
  • Now that I think about it, both my Twins can be very manipulative and persuasive with their Charisma and Debate skills.