@Yautjagirl Hi, sorry for the late reply! First of all I love the look of your sims, very unique!
In regards to your question, the way the app is built the tree starts with the node, so for the wife's parents to show you would need to start with them. The alternative would be making a separate tree for the wife's parents/family and linking that tree.
When you link two trees, a link icon appears on that sim in the tree, when you click on the icon it gives you the direct link to the other tree, so you don't have to look that up manually. Just make sure you include the link on both trees so that you can go back and forth between them.
@PenguinFoop You touch on a few things so let me try to answer them separately:
Multiple partners - Yes, there is not really a way to separate them out. It is worth mentioning that if a sim has children with multiple partners, you can enter who the parents are when you create the node, and then when you hover over the child in the tree it actually fades out the sims who are not relevant and highlights the parents.
Linking trees - Correct, if you want to create the person to feature in three trees, you would have to make them three times. The reason it works this way is so that you can link trees made by different people where relevant, rather than only those made by the same users. I realise that's mildly inconvenient but it makes linking trees useable in more scenarios.
If not, can it be added by the devs?
There is actually just one person behind the Plum Tree, my husband :) He originally made the app because I was writing a legacy story to help me track the family in a way that was easy to share with readers. We knew that there would be other people that might be interested in the app in the simlit sphere, but we never really anticipated such a large interest from the wider simming community!
This was a few years ago, and we've gathered... quite a few users along the way, which is pretty cool. However, my husband does have a full time job and another professional project he spends most of his spare time working on, so unfortunately he doesn't really have capacity to add new features to the Plum Tree. We do love that the simming community enjoys the app though and will continue to maintain it so that simmers who use it can continue to do so :)
Family Echo is definitely a good alternative, the way both apps are built is quite different so you can definitely pick whichever suits the type of family you have better.