"Scobre;c-16205356" wrote:
"SimGuruDrake;c-16203256" wrote:
The page is meant to highlight for folks who do not know much about Maxis how many games the studio has and provide them with links to each products specific page to learn more about them. Nothing more :)
I think it would be nice if the Sims 2 were sold on Origin. I would love Sims to be ported to Origin too because it made me sad that I can't play it on Windows 10 with my desktop computer. I mean it is fun to play older games like SimCity and Plants Versus Zombies and Theme Hospital on there. I do like the sleek look of that new site and still so happy about the Sims merch shop.
I have been wondering with each iteration lasting about 4-5 years, when is a good time to start coming up with ideas for the Sims 5? Personally I think the Sims iterations lasting five years is ok because music changes, fashion changes, and technology changes. I think the Sims 4 will go into part of 2019 with pack releases and the Sims 5 will be released that year as well. I just hope a lot of the Gurus I've met this iteration including you continue on the journey with the next iteration when it happens because I've sort of bonded with some of you as friends. I do hope if there is a Sims 5, it isn't called that reason being it is getting to the point where the numbers start to feel like the Land Before Time movies. I think in order for an iteration to have its own merit not having a number attached would help maybe. I already have ideas for it like having a height slider, gradual aging, and hair length sliders. I just hope it has an offline option with it, isn't multiplayer, and I'm able to pick my own lot sizes again. Anyway enjoy your break whenever it will be later this month.
I don't see that as being possible. The engine has to be made which generally takes a couple of years - before the base can be started. You see how empty a base game is that only had less than 2 years work on it - and that was after 2+ years work on the engine.
We absolutely don't need a repeat of Sims 4's release days....
Oh no - an even worse thought - is what if they re-use the Sims 4 engine. Lord I hope not.
But anyway - I guess none of us will know the when until they tell us anyway. They generally announce a new game about a year and a half before it comes out - so looks like we will be speculating for some time to come regardless. One thing we do know - it won't be before 2019 anyway.
That's fine with me - as I finally have been enjoying Sims 4 this year and do look forward to what they make for 2018 as well. Hoping for witches and University. Both would make me really - really happy.