I agree. I normally love the sims community. Simmers are usually so supportive of each others' play style and ideas and it hurts me to the core when I see simmers trolling others. Especially the developers. I think people forget that EA is a business and they work on quotas and budgets. Simmers and developers may suggest ideas that may not happen or may be delayed. I also think the negative reaction to this new EcoPack has something to do with the quarantine. I can tell there is a lot more content and items in the pack then what we can see in the trailer. From what I can see, they look pretty cool! Since the simgurus are stuck working at home, we haven't had our monthly SimGuru videos lately. I'm sure they would have announced it earlier and showcased the pack more than they have. Well that's my 2 cents. Remember folks, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but that's no excuse to be ugly to others about theirs.