Forum Discussion

BissenNess's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
9 months ago

This New Sale is Tempting, Suggestions?

So, I'm thinking about possibly taking advantage of the latest sale. I've made some notes about the different packs I might be interested in. If anyone can provide some additional notes I'd appreciate it. Am I missing an interesting feature? Is there something that sounds cool, but doesn't actually work as it should?

Cottage Living
-CAS- Love it
-BB-Love it
-World - Looks charming
-Game play- Canning, keeping farm animals, cross-stitch. This is all just okay to me. I'm sure I'd use it, but none of it really excites me.

Eco Lifestyle
-CAS-Okay. I probably will use this mixed/matched with other items.
-BB-Love it.
-Game play-Fabricating-This looks like a really cool hobby
-Game play-Environment-I've seen this in let's plays and it doesn't look well tuned at all, like it's really hard to achieve a footprint other than neutral.
-Game play-NAPs-Unadulterated loathing. I know there's a mechanism for turning these off, but does it actually work?

Cats and Dogs
-BB-Really like it. Very Murder She Wrote.
-World-Looks charming
-Game play-Owning a Cat or Dog-No interest.
-Game play-Veterinarian-This intrigues me. I enjoy active/small business careers. Is this one fun to play?

Realm of Magic
-CAS-Love it
-BB-Love it
-Game Play-Spell Casting-I like the idea of this (loved witchcraft in Sims 2), but the execution looks underwhelming.
-Game Play-Potions-Is this actually different from serums in Get to Work?

Spa Day
-CAS-Too similar to Outdoor Retreat
-BB-Love it
-Game Play- Spa Experience-Okay. I'll probably use this occasionally.
-Game Play-Wellness hobby-This looks like it could be interesting.
  • BissenNess's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    Thanks for the input everyone! I went ahead and bought Realm of Magic. I ruled out Eco Lifestyle because I wasn't seeing any enthusiasm for it here. I ended up deciding against Cats and Dogs because the feedback here kind of dampened my interest in the veterinarian career, although I haven't ruled out the possibility of buying it down the road if I find myself in a content drought.

    I ruled out Cottage Living because I thought about the Alphabet Superlegacy Challenge and realized that, in all of the generations with Cottage Living game play, it just seemed like an annoying chore. Very different from playing a singing Serial Romantic sorcerer, a vegetarian veterinarian vampire, or a Wildfang Renegade who's super into wellness. After weighing the merits of wellness versus spell casting game play and not having a decisive winner, I decided to go with Realm of Magic because it has the aesthetic edge. I'm still mulling over the possibility of buying Spa Day too.

  • SheriSim's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    Cottage living does have a few lots that would be a good place for spell casters….
  • I'd get all of them (especially the EPs) but I don't think you'd enjoy Cottage Living or Cats & Dogs if you have no interest in pets, as these (+Horse Ranch) go hand in hand. If you only want to buy one EP then go for Eco Lifestyle. I like the gameplay, the world, build mode, etc. I think you're going to enjoy the creation hobby.
  • 1. Cottage Living
    2. Cats & Dogs
    3. SpaDay

    Just my personal ranking. I hope you'll enjoy your choice.