Forum Discussion

WisdomBuilders's avatar
Rising Ace
3 months ago

Treasure Hunt for Retired Collectables?

Has anyone made a sim file share with all of the old retired collectables hidden within the world? I know I could just use a cheat code, but I really like actually finding collectables, and wondered if anyone has made a way to collect them. Ya know, like the positivity posters and things like that. 

  • Magic beans can be found in seed packs (either uncommon or rare), Holiday Cracker Plushies by popping holiday crackers you can buy on the computer.

    Sugar skulls I am not sure, I know you can still "leave sugar skull offering" at a sims grave but I dont know if that helps, havent really tested.

    The positivity posters I think are only available through debug, sadly.


    • WisdomBuilders's avatar
      Rising Ace

      I actually collected the sugar skulls when the event was still going, but I've long abandoned that save. I was just curious. The Holiday Cracker Plushies are one of my favorites, along with the easter eggs. But I don't consider those retired since we can still collect them without cheats within the game. Even the grow fruit can be found in the camping world.

  • I think I saw a shop on the gallery that sells all the collectibles. 

    • WisdomBuilders's avatar
      Rising Ace

      Ooh I'll have to check that out when I'm almost finished with the collections, maybe to finish it off. I thought about having a sim who steals stuff (Klepto??) when I'm close to done, and downloading a bunch of random houses and builds and searching that way lol. 

      • crocobaura's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        There is this forum user @mccrudd that does collections and posts them on the gallery.  I think you can pretty much find everything there. Like Alladin's cave. šŸ˜ Not a shop, but you can steal them maybe. 

  • i dont have an answer but what do you mean about retired collectables? 

    • WisdomBuilders's avatar
      Rising Ace

      When you look in your inventory and go to the diamond icon in the to right and see all the collections, there's a few that you just can't get in the game. For example, the positivity posters. They're items that were limited time events just like this Reaper's Rewards are right now for the little bunny skull thingies. 

      Most of them can still be found on the gallery or under a cheat code, so I could just load em up, but I like actually collecting things by finding them. So I thought, just maybe, someone knew of gallery builds that hid some of these within them to find.

      • Perti23's avatar
        Seasoned Rookie

        There's a Sim on the gallery who has the Positivity challenge aspiration. Add her to your household and complete her aspiration, that's how you unlock all the posters. You can move her out or delete her afterwards.