Stronger, Better, Faster.
I create stories for my sims and like to see them tackle a difficult situation and get past it. In the olden days I was a terrible builder and slowly learned how to decorate and fix up my sims houses. That is when I encountered the “Well Decorated”-buff. I plum that buff! What an excellent way for an player who is not observant on the buffs to completely skip out on bored, tense or angry. It took a while for me to figure out why my sims felt so weird when I started to decorate more. Then I threw away all the paintings and my sims were living in bare boxes until I started to use mods.
I feel like my sims are one-dimensional. There are a few negative traits but I would like to see more. Also consider the traits that you can buy with aspiration-points. Skill faster with that, let that need go down slower, avoid that weather-effect.
Stronger, Better, Faster.
I feel like that are the only stories to tell sometimes. How your sim gets better at something. What if you could do something and not get better at it. Or if you played a creative sim that just isn’t talented. Loves to paint but skills really really slow. A sim that loves to sing but is terrible at it.
I mod my game like crazy in order to make it interesting to me. Higher bills, all of Roburky, and several skills locked at different levels for individual sims so that all of them won’t be the same clone that has lvl 10 in fitness and singing just because I like going to the gym and karaoke.
I like to vary it, have some households that has it quite easy and some that has it challenging. The easy one are very, ehh, easy to implement. See before-mentioned reward-store. The household that gives me a sense of challenge have to be modded like crazy.
Stronger, better, faster. Do this to skip a lvl, do that to regain mana faster, how to remove this need. Do this for double xp.
No, I am trying to tell stories. Some of them are much much easier to simulate in this game than others.