So happy it worked for you @StillSimlish :)
The updates doesn't revert my settings back since I ticked "read only" in the properties of that file.
I couldn't stand the stuttering as I was planning the camera,Imean they advertised this saying it was gonna run good on lower end rigs so I couldn't understand what was wrong with my game until I noticed most simmers on youtube had stuttering to some degree so I deep dived into the graphics rules and just took a chance and increased the LOD on everything and that was the cure.
Sadly this didn't do the trick with the sims 3 so I just hard lock it to 30 fps through inspector (1/2 refresh rate) and that cures the stutter for 3 at least, maybe you could try that?
I might add that I run the sims 4 with more tweaks now and it still runs better than before.
I upped the shadows from 2048 to 5k instead to remove the jaggies on the shadows, 16x anisotropic filtering and I applied transparency supersampling 8x and enhanced the in game AA with 8x in the nvidia control panel and it is still smoother and stutter free compared to default ultra.