"Simpatsyann;c-16221722" wrote:
They're adorable! They'd be pretty indistinguishable if they were the same gender.
Lately it seems like my game has either singles or triplets. I'm not sure what's going on there. I cheated one pregnancy down from three to two because I just. could. not. do another set of triplets.
Yeah, same. I actually feel like MCCC might be causing more multiples in my game. It's gotten so bad that I'm actually surprised when I
don't get multiples. Am seriously considering changing my settings so that triplets are no longer allowed, which I think would be too bad but I really have been getting too many of them. Also amongst townies. I don't like to check my pregnancy stats through MCCC because, again, I like to be surprised, but because of all these multiples I now do feel forced to just make sure. I've also cheated at least one pregnancy done from three to one because I just couldn't handle more and it didn't fit the storyline at all. I like this certain degree of realism in my game and therefore like to have twins remain a bit of a rarity.
I'm excited to see how these twins of mine look as teens! Would be interesting to see how the same features look on different genders lol.