Forum Discussion

CursedDice's avatar
6 years ago

Two of my sims are suddenly gay and in a relationship with each other

I was paying attention to another sim when I saw one do blow kiss interaction so I went to see what that was all about and it turns out she has has been building a romantic relationship with another one of my sims to the point they're lovebirds. They're not part of the same family, but knew each other and now live in the same house. Has this ever happened to you? At first I was thinking how to undo it, but I may just leave it the way it is

27 Replies

  • I'm not sure if there's a hidden setting or not. I had one Sim who'd had eight boyfriends suddenly show interest in a girl at a bar. Of course, the next time they met up, they got in a spat and the romance bar went in the red. Go figure.

    One thing I did appreciate was that when I stated my Sim was Unflirty, she never autonomously flirted with anyone. For me, that was an important part of her character and the game seemed to go with it.
  • OEII1001's avatar
    New Spectator
    6 years ago
    I have never seen this happen over the course of the 4779 hours I have put into the game thus far. In fact, the only time that I have ever seen a non-played sim begin a romantic relationship with a sim of any gender is when I encouraged one to seek another out via dialogue.
  • Yeah for some reason in my experience Sims tend to lean to the same gender. Idk guess overpopulation won't be a concern there.
    maybe @luxsylvan is right

    "soko37;c-16943105" wrote:
    This is not anything strange to occur. It has happened a few times for me as well. I dont see it as a big deal.

    I also have hetero couples go on double dates or even married people that autonomously flirt with the other's partner right in front of everyone. I think it only seems like a big deal or something to write about because its same sex.

    Probably just surprised there isn't a gender preference coded in, hence suddenly gay
  • "So_Money;c-16943119" wrote:
    "soko37;c-16943105" wrote:
    "So_Money;c-16943097" wrote:
    "soko37;c-16943067" wrote:
    "NorthDakotaGamer;c-16940896" wrote:
    "Zeldaboy180;c-16940836" wrote:
    "NorthDakotaGamer;c-16940496" wrote:
    I modded my game so that can't ever happen anymore. I am a traditionalist when it comes to that stuff I love the mod. It only allows for flirting with the opposite gender and is very much needed for to stop some of the random flirting. Same person made a mod that would only allow flirting with the same gender, so they catered to both preferences.

    Gays have been around since the dawn of time, I wouldn't call that "tradition", but you do you.

    Nope, because if I say what I actually believe of that community, I could get "jailed/banned." I am just glad there is a mod that makes the sims the way I would prefer the real world to work.

    Just go live in Saudia Arabia or some other patriarchal theocratic country that worships ego and hatred and you will have your preferred world.

    Not sure this is productive. Let’s try to avoid getting this locked by a mod.

    I would not be upset if this was locked.

    There’s nothing wrong with the initial topic. I think it’s interesting to compare observations because it’s always been a mystery whether or not same-sex romances happen randomly by default, in an unmodded game.

    If not locked, this is a topic where people need to really think before commenting. As it stands, it invites homophobia--whether people are aware of it or not--since we're not talking about vampires or aliens, but a real subset of people. I'm not going to pretend that it's not upsetting seeing someone say they wished I didn't exist... and I wouldn't be surprised if more comments like that appeared.

    But on topic, I'm pretty sure it happens randomly. I have a mod that lets you see a sim's gender preference and, unless I set it myself, it always says "Gender Preference: 0.00 for male/0.00 for female" by default, which means the sim doesn't have a preference at all. So, I guess, the sims are all pan/bisexual, lol. Sexuality is fluid in this game just like it is in real life.

    However, as they interact with other sims, I think it gradually changes. Like, "Gender Preference: 20.00 for male/0.00 for female" for a female sim who's flirted a bit with a male sim, but I'm not sure. This would explain things, though. A "straight" sim would have to be 100/0 in favor of one gender. 20/0 or 90/0 still leaves room for them to be attracted to someone of the same sex, if that makes sense?

  • i'm doung a legacy, but i'm trying something new. with the exception of the couples i predetermined were together i let the teens chose who they wanted. it had intresting results because i wanted them to chose i had to wait 52 real hours for the second youngest to come out. he came out when a boy jumped out of the well . even though i give all teens the romantic trait he never even flirted before that. well once but it wasn't serious. now hes a ya with a husband who has twin boys with dina caliente who decided she was also gay and has a wife.

    i was more scared about writing it right than the chracters themselves , then i realized they want what everyone be loved
  • "MoonSim;c-16941506" wrote:
    I wish! I generally create non hetero relationships but my game rarely instigates any kind of romances without my control! My sims need to put themselves out there more lol.

    Mine has before. It hooked a female sim up I downloaded from SimGuruAzure to a homeless townie male. This happen when I was playing another household. When I went back to her she had a lovebird connection with this male. This rarely happens though. I wish it happened more often.

    I'm beginning to wonder if this can happen when they go to the romance festival when you're not playing them.
  • This thread's heading in a direction not okay for the forums, with some comments over various nations and their relationship with sexuality, etc. This isn't okay and not allowed. I'm removing some of the posts in question but am locking this as well.