3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Maybe I can make something out of this mess of a pack, but only after about 30 mods. Every time I turn around there is something else annoying me. Not sure why a thrift store was chosen as a new lot type; just to facilitate teens dressing for style, I suppose. But the game should have had a place, or a lot trait, that makes teens show up and turns it into a hangout. My new teen sim bit the bullet and went over there anyway to hang out and meet new teens. Instead, he sat there for eight hours watching the barista make tea after tea, filling the counter. He never stops. That and nothing but adults coming in. Exit game, go make mods. Go back in and teens start showing up, and poetry night starts. Okay, I'm sure somewhere there's a teen hotspot for experimental poetry. Again, all adults, all in red shirts and black pants. Exit game again, go make mod to get teens instead, and find that contestants have a uniform. Yeah, because experimental poets everywhere have a dress code. Jack Kerouac might argue with that. Mod the uniforms away. How many times have simmers posted about how much they hate the forced clothing changes? But still you keep doing it. You never listen. And any simmer on here could come up with ten things that should have been added to make this pack actually have some flavor.