I have some info on rotational play I’ve just done in the dorms with premade characters. I started with Cameron Fletcher in Foxbury. I played through his whole term. (A+!! He worked hard but did miss some time in classes and homework.) At 6pm on his last day of term, a pop-up asked me to either re-enroll or not. If not, I would lose any scholarships. I chose to re-enroll. He selected a different dorm (his dorm was so far away from his classroom building, he was late a few times, and the bike made it worse because stairs). At the time he was given this option to re-enroll, he was away at the Humor and Hijinks Festival. I was afraid he wouldn’t have a chance to pack his things, but figured it would be a good test so I went ahead.
He returned to his dorm 2 hours later and immediately he was given the Move Out event lasting 4 hours. So he gathered some things and packed a few sack lunches away into his mini fridge and was good to go. He got to his new dorm, and the sack lunches were gone from the mini fridge. So I guess food doesn’t travel well like that. He started his classes on Tuesday (just as he did on his first term) and I should mention, earlier I had decided to only give him 2 classes this term. I decided to switch households Tuesday afternoon.
I loaded up the Best Friends in Britechester and they had 3 classes completed, one with a B, the other with a B-. (They were enrolled in 3 classes each for 1st term so this makes sense, I checked an old save). The one who got a B is enrolled in 2 classes this term and the other one who got the B- is enrolled in just one. Their term starts the following day, Wednesday.
Maybe they signed up for fewer classes because I only signed up for 2 with Cameron. YMMV but I thought you all might find this helpful.
TLDR: Other unplayed households will finish their term with an average grade and automatically re-enroll with what seems to be a random number of classes. But maybe that’s only because the household I was playing re-enrolled. That’s why I gave so much detail above because there could be other factors at play.
Other played households will finish the term without you if you rotate away, and you may have an opportunity to re-enroll them when you return, but in one case I found my sims On Probation which was strange because I left them with GPAs in the B range.
Numerous edits, sorry. The nuances here are very confusing.