"VeeDub;c-18016339" wrote:
I always have auto-updates off, and I always go offline during update cycles. I sort of dread this one, so I'll be taking my time before updating. I'll be playing offline until I'm confident that the Neighborhood Stories thing won't kill my play style (and in turn my reasons for playing this game). I'll be pleasantly relieved if I get my internal doomsday clock switched off in the end. ;) But first I'll be catching up on some sleep!
Yes, I always have auto updates off too. I don't think I've ever updated on patch day. Enjoy your sleep!
"FurAndYarn;c-18016341" wrote:
I backed up my mod folder to my external drive and emptied the actual mod folder. I will play my vanilla save until everything is updated. I'm about due for a CC refresh, so I might just rebuild the mod folder from scratch with this round of updates.
Ah, I could never ditch all my mods and start over. I get rid of ones I don't like right away and the ones that are left I could never do without. It is different with CC, though. Have fun CC shopping. :smile:
"Atreya33;c-18016342" wrote:
One of the big advantages of sims 4 over sims 3 was the absence of story progression, for me at least. I know there are simmers who love story progression.
I will wait for now and read about other players experiences and broken mod. Once I feel it is safe for the sims I care about and and my must have mods are working, I will update.
I think the future version with options sounds very good. This first version however sounds like it will interrupt my game a lot with pop ups. But maybe I will be proven wrong and the update goes well. All I need/want is a way to turn it off for played households.
I pretty much agree with all of this. I love story progression, but not EA's version. I turned their story progress off in S3 and used NRAAS mods instead. Now I'm dreading what this update with do with MCCC, which I value to the depths of my heart. And I agree, we need a toggle to turn it off (Sims 3 had one, so why not?) and more popup phone calls sounds ... not at all good.
"Astro;c-18016343" wrote:
Nope, not ready. I think I'll wait a few days and see what the general consensus is regarding bugs/broken items/neighborhood progression...
Amen, my plan exactly. Only I fear this one will take modders more than just a few days. :cry: Which is the main reason I'm dreading it so.
"mightysprite;c-18016345" wrote:
I'm totally curious and interested. I still made a backup of my current save games just in case.
I hope it's everything you and everyone else who wants it are hoping for. :smile:
"alexspoom13;c-18016346" wrote:
I'll definitely be waiting. I'm not patched up to date as it is. ?
I am fully patched at this point, but not for much longer haha.
"Simmingal;c-18016349" wrote:
I totally forgot :sweat_smile:
but I'll probably update tomorrow unless i see lot of people having issues with the update (its too late for me to play today anyway)
I also backed up some game files yesterday coincidentally but I'll probably want to redo that cause ive been messing in game today too
do hope theres toggles though cause i play pretty much every household in my game and i don't really want them to go have life of their own at least not right now when I'm still plotting all kinds of stuff for them
Gosh, no way I could forget about this one, I've been scared about it since they announced! I don't play rotationally so I honestly don't much care what everyone except my main family gets up to, but I understand your point and would totally feel the same if I did play more than one household.
"simgirl1010;c-18016357" wrote:
I'm excited but not quite ready. Have a few things I want to do in game this morning before the patch.
I'm glad you're excited, I hope EA doesn't let anyone down. I know there's people who've wanted SP for a long time and I'm happy they're getting it, but at risk of being Debbie Downer, I just don't trust EA to implement it in a way that works and makes sense.