Forum Discussion

Chicklet45368's avatar
Rising Traveler
5 years ago

Vacationing In Any World - Help Me Understand

Hi All,

First let me state up front, I'm not hating on the new upcoming SE pack, I like it a lot!

But, what I don't understand is the excitement for vacationing in every world. I guess I don't see the purpose besides in Sulani, which is obviously a tropical world totally unlike any of the other worlds we have, so for that world I can see the interest in just "vacationing" there.

But, for the other worlds, what's the purpose of vacationing in them? They're like residential with very little "vacationing type" activities.

I would love for people to give me scenarios of how you will be vacationing and what your stories will be so I can understand better and maybe want to implement that in my game too.

I personally was hoping for the ability to "live in destination" worlds and would have loved that to be part of this update as well. Like I would like to live in Selvadorada and Granite Falls because those worlds are unlike any others. I love the look of Granite Falls, each lot is so secluded and surrounded by trees, you don't hardly see any of the neighboring lots either. It's nice and secluded and I would love to live there. And, yes I know I can stay there pretty much indefinitely if I wanted, but there's no bills, no mailboxes, there's no walk-bys, etc, so it's not really the same thing as actually "living" in those worlds.

So I'm interested in hearing about how and where you'll be vacationing in all of the worlds.

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