Forum Discussion

InfiniteVerve's avatar
6 years ago

VERY IMPORTANT information before you purchase

Most potential purchasers do not actually know this... And it absolutely needs to be made VERY clear on the top of the page of each pack. I was directed to the forums (in order to get an official to help), after chatting in the official EA HQ chat window, by the advisor, to post my issue here and get official help.

I opened a help chat on the official EA site and asked why there is no CLEAR statement on the EA Sims 4 game purchase site that says that players WILL (absolutely) need better and better computer specs (additional RAM for each pack that is purchased) if they add more packs to their game. The site only shows base requirements, and does not clearly make any statement that you MUST have additional specs with each added pack. It is not clear that with each pack that someone wishes to purchase that they will need additional RAM with each pack. Furthermore, is is VERY difficult to actually find the specs required (without digging through the multiple pages)- it should be listed right at the top of the (pack) page.

I asked for an official answer- and this is that conversation (which absolutely needs to be clearly stated on the site- before people purchase a pack, or the game itself):

Advisor: "So if you have a 4 GB ram and you installed a 1.5 GB game, it would work fine. Then after a while you add another expansion pack which is 1GB, now it's 2.5 GB in total. It would still work fine if you have not installed any other application on your PC only use the system to play games. However if you keep increasing the size of the game by adding more and more packs, obviously you would need to update your system with better specs. I hope it does make sense?" (better specs than is listed on EA's site)

Me: "Why is that not listed on EA's site?"

Advisor: "Because we do not know that how many packs a customer going to buy and it is basic thing which every gamer would
aware of. You would need upgrade your specs if you want to add more packs."

Me: "upgrade from what is recommended on EA's site you mean?"

Advisor: "Yes please"

Me: "Okay.... how do I get this issue addressed properly?"

Advisor: "That's why I am asking you to please post this issue on EA site(Forum) as this is not something that we adviser can take
care of."
  • "SimChi;c-17165769" wrote:
    "BlkBarbiegal;c-17165725" wrote:
    Where do go to see how much ram your game is actually using?

    go to task manager and look under the "performance" tab

    Thank you
  • "DeadInsid3_plur2EDM;c-17166210" wrote:
    @SimChi It's totally cool dude (dude is a general reference lol not implying any genders here) my point was I've been saying sims since I was like 12 lol now I'm 30 and never took into account what you need and my computer is the worst and this would explain why it's only lagging more cuz I've literally tried every suggestion only to find out "ding ding" my processor is not the right one lol not even close and I never had a graphics card. I'm in the market for a new one even though its only 2 years old :D what a piece of work so my first best attempt is to find one that's great for the Sims since it requires every thing and goddess fancy programming qualifications then it would be fine for school and the internet. When you find out more about what they say when they really elaborate on this mystery can you either tag me on here or send me a message I'm still new to this whole forum thing I'm definitely clueless there

    No worries lol, I use dude all the time (no matter what gender). I still haven't received an answer. Some of the (many) issues from different iterations of the sims are not the fault of the purchaser (in regards to hardware), the game was not optimized properly. Basically, people are paying to be beta testers (and that PO's a lot of people who know that). I don't know that I will get an official response, because then they are accountable... Think of it this way... If they give an official response, and people have the specs (that they say will make the game run smoothly), and then people still continue to have issues (lag, crashes, etc.) then they have to actually admit that the game is not marketplace ready. Right now they (the company) has a loophole in that they can claim that a players game issues are the fault of the players computer (because it 'only meets minimum specs'). And yet, how many times do we see players with those specs, and their games don't have the same issues as another person with the same specs... That's why the beta testing (via bug reports on the EA HQ forum). They also should not be putting it out with the many bugs that are always present.

    The other issue, when a potential purchaser goes to get a machine to fit their requirements, is that salespeople in stores will have many, many, many opinions on what computer to get (which are all scattered). They are also trying to push certain brands at certain times. The forums will also offer up countless opinions, all of which are different (and sometimes arrogant- which is why I made the post; to let people, who don't know, not to feel bad about not knowing).

    If I do get a response I will let you know :)
  • I have a question, and I don't know how to post it, what happens if I buy sims on another computer but my same account?
  • akl1226's avatar
    New Spectator
    "MaggieMarley;c-17164582" wrote:
    I have all the packs and 16GB RAM. Will that soon cease to be enough?

    I have 8GB and my game still runs great on ultra with all packs. I do plan on updating soon (well by December) to 32GB but you should be good with 16GB.
  • @MaggieMarley if you follow their reasoning... You will always have to keep buying more and more and more, just to play a game. It's a waste of resources, and really poor practices. Think of how many people are tossing computers (because they become extinct) with this kind of practice. You won't (unfortunately) ever have an answer to what you might do in the future, except have to buy more stuff... Which then becomes obsolete. And it seems to take an entire computer just for a game (which, if one looks at buying a console- those things can play multiple games, because the games are all made with the same specs in mind).
  • "MaggieMarley;c-17164792" wrote:
    @BlkBarbiegal are you planning to update your RAM? If so, how much do you think you’ll update to (just to give me an idea of what I might do in future)?

    Ive had my computer since sims3 days. I’ve installed 16gb ram and 1080 GTx graphics since but it’s running on 2.6 ghz and I’d like 4ghz, 32 ram and one of those nvidia’s rtx. I’ll keep current computer for school. I only play sims and Overwatch.
  • @MaggieMarley Your Welcome. I have all but Island Living. But I am slowing down on buying computer parts. I have Ryzen 7 1700 first gen. 16 ddr4 3000 mhz ran , graphic card 1070 playing at 1440p 60hz monitor. But I guess If I was to do upgrade I would upgrade my CPU. Sometimes I do wish I had a laptop it make it easier for my niece and nephew. If you're a content creator I would strongly recommend 64 GB of ram.
  • @SimChi It's totally cool dude (dude is a general reference lol not implying any genders here) my point was I've been saying sims since I was like 12 lol now I'm 30 and never took into account what you need and my computer is the worst and this would explain why it's only lagging more cuz I've literally tried every suggestion only to find out "ding ding" my processor is not the right one lol not even close and I never had a graphics card. I'm in the market for a new one even though its only 2 years old :D what a piece of work so my first best attempt is to find one that's great for the Sims since it requires every thing and goddess fancy programming qualifications then it would be fine for school and the internet. When you find out more about what they say when they really elaborate on this mystery can you either tag me on here or send me a message I'm still new to this whole forum thing I'm definitely clueless there