Forum Discussion

keekee53's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 years ago

What is Gameplay to you?

I often read a lot of threads where people are saying there is not enough gameplay or they need to add more gameplay in packs. I have seen some examples but most of the time there is no real explanation behind the comment. So I decided to ask the question. I think it will help the devs understand what we are looking for from the game.

I will start...
For me, gameplay starts at the core. The core of the Sims is in the title. The Sims themselves. We have gotten off track and there has been too much focus on builds, beautiful worlds and CAS. When I look back on Sims 2, I really enjoyed the game because of the Sims themselves. My sims felt unique because there were many factors affecting their personality whether they were neat or sloppy, active or inactive or even mixed. Next thing that added uniqueness were interests. Did they like talking about money or politics, crime or love and conversations were affected between sims whose interests did not line up? Later the attraction system was added which added another layer of uniqueness to the sim.

The skiing, vacations, adventures, school, bands, fame, new worlds, will all feel the same as long as we are relying on the same 10 emotion system\moodlet system. The sims need more depth and more animation. EX: When a sim is telling another sim the big news of pregnancy, the sim should have an excited animation if they are happy or sulk animation or even a cry if they are not happy. Not a moodlet saying they are happy about the big news. It is the little things that make the game so much more. I spend more time imagining a reaction than seeing one and that is sad.