I just wanna say that I really agree on what your saying @keekee53 @Yautagirl @Triplis and @83bienchen !
LACKING DEPTH SIMS 4I think that one big thing with the lack of depth comes from the sims
shallow personalities. The traits needs to be fixed and I also think that we need a
foundation to the personality like a
temperament system (point system like in sims 1 & 2)
in addition to the traits. A sim should be able to have a
temperament of being more or less (e.g.)
Introvert / Extrovert but also have traits like:
easily-impressed, snob, hot-headed.
The existing trait system could work as a “spice” to a temperament and deepen it, but does not work by itself. I mean you just have 3 slots and your sim can end up like: Music lover, Dance machine & Vegetarian. Wow, but that’s 2 hobbies and a diet, not a personality!
1. Add a section for diet (+1 slot: Omnivore / Vegetarian / Vegan)
2. Attraction system + Favorites/Dislikes + Talents/Inabilities (hobby system) would be great add ons to the game.
3. Add a Temperaments system (point system) as an addition to the existing trait system. It could be a scale of 1-10 (sims 1 & 2) or just a scale of 1-6 (E.g: 1. Very Sensitive 2. Sensitive 3. A little sensitive => 4. A little Rational 5. Rational 6. Very rational).
1 points of SENSITIVE (very Sensitive) = most affected by the SENSITIVE trait => most SENSITIVE moodlets & personality benefits/disadvantages.
*Faster increasing skills: Creativity skills, Pet skills, Life skill
*Increased performance in following careers: Therapist, Doctor, creative careers
*Decreased performance in following careers: Detective, Law, Military, Secret agent
*Easier to gain sentiments
*Easier to get the "shared sadness" moodlet (from seeing a loved one suffer, sentiments system)
*Collects higher negative life points from negative experiences #FixThePersonalities
Collect Negative & Positive points from life experiences and develop Childhood traits & Life traits (e.g. Narcissistic, Naive, Spolied, Unlucky). Develop and remember Struggles and life experiences. Negative / Positive / Neutral childhood. Therapy +active Healer / Therapist career (return of the therapist from sims 2!). Self-Esteem system and Meaningfulness system (similiar to the aspiration system in sims 2).
Sims are now going to remember their memories and will at random get a moodlet with the memory (eg. ”Simsis was born”) that have the same moodlet as back then (e.g. “+1 happy”). This moodlet will give them the interaction to "share memory" with other sims that are included in the memory (e.g. parents can share a memory of a child birth). This will make the other sim remember = trigger their memory moodlet.
*Green X = Positive memory from: positive sentiments/events (positive life/childhood points).
*Red X = Negative memory from: negative sentiments/events (negative life/childhood points
*Yellow X = Redefined memory (earlier positive memory that has changed temporarily after gaining a negative sentiment, will give a negative moodlet)
*Orange with a “!”-symbol!X = a Struggle LIFE STRUGGLES PACK
*Golden with a “!”-symbol!X = a treated Struggle LIFE STRUGGLES PACK
*No met mystery sim or visited the park/library/shop -kind of memories
*Focus on bigger events instead: had a baby (name of the baby), got married / divorced, become best friend with (sim_name), got scholarship (and which), got a job / retired (which career), had a negative / positive / neutral childhood LIFE STRUGGLES PACK, had a million simoleans, become boyfriend/girlfriend, etc...