I think sims 4 is often lacking gameplay because there are too little
game features in it. It´s too much of
playing with dolls. Yeah I understand that you can make up your own story in your head… but that’s the problem, it’s just in your head and doesn’t affect the game. I really want
more game features, challenges and consequences when I play (and an option to toggle this on/off for those who want that kind of game).
I really agree @83bienchen on what you say about the sims 2 system. Whims should be affecting your sims overall wellbeing not just give you points. Why not implement a Meaningfullness system and a Self-esteem system in sims 4? Maybe something similar to the sims 2 aspiration system, but updated? Fulfill positive / negative whims (want & fears) and gain / lose Meaningfullness points + Self-esteem points. A low / high Meaningfullness bar & Self-esteem bar will give your different moodlets and consequences.
Similar to the aspiration bar in sims 2. Fulfill positive / negative whims (want & fears) and gain / lose Meaningfullness points + Self-esteem points. Each Meaningfulness level will give your sim specific moodlets.
1. Prosperous (positive moodlet +2, Constant and slow increase in Self-esteem points, different positive moodlets)
2. Satisfied (positive moodlet +1)
3. Ok
4. Down (negative moodlet -1)
5. Distressed (negative moodlet -2, Risk of getting mental break-downs, Risk of getting the negative Fundamental moodlet (will last a few days, can´t be removed and affects all your other moodlets): Depressed = lower the effect of all positive moodlets, constant and slow decrease in Self esteem, reduces energy bar faster, getting exhausted from work out faster, lower learning abilities and shorter times with focus).
Similar to the reputation system (Get Famous, uses the same design).
Self-esteem, high level (1-3): believe in their ability, easier to get promoted, easier to socialize, more positive emotions/moodlets, faster increase of Meaningfulness points).
Self-Esteem, low level (5-7): often doubt their ability, harder to get promotions, harder to socialize, more negative moodlets/emotions (shame/embarrassed about their self, anxiety, insecure), faster decrease in Meaningfulness points), risk of getting negative Fundamental moodlets (will last a few days, can´t be removed and affects all your other moodlets): Anxious or Self-Doubt.
1. Hubris
2. Proud
3. Good Self-esteem
4. Ok
5. Low Self-Esteem
6. Dissatisfied
7. Self-contempt
1. More whims at the same time (not just 3)
2. Both negative & positive whims (want & fears)
3. Whims affecting Satisfaction points + Self Esteem system + Meaningfulness system
4. Whims from Sentiments / Relationships / Lifestyles / Hobbies system / Attraction system / Favorites & Dislikes
5. Whims from a chosen Life direction (lifelong aspiration that can be changed at any time) +Quest want:
You can have up to 3 different directions (aspirations) ongoing at the same time. The directions will give your sim negative & positive whims (want & fears), complete and gain / lose Satisfaction points + Meaningfullness points + Self-esteem points. You will also get an button for a Quest want. Click on this button to get assigned to a quest (the quest is based upon your chosen directions, is time limited and include several tasks). At the end of your sims lifetime, their tombstone will show what direction your sims found as most important (what directions their mostly picked) and what direction your sim was mostly successful in. You can change your sims directions at any time.
Pick 3 directions from following categories:
(They can all be from the same category or from different categories):
1. Family 2. Romantic 3. Pleasure 4. Career 5. Money 6. Popularity 7. Knowledge
8. Power 9. Hedonism 10. Goodness 11. Spiritual & Personal development
12. Health & Wellbeing 13. Vanity 14. Evilness 15. Criminality 16. Nature 17. Animals & Wildlife
18. Travel & Experiences 19. Interest & Hobbies 20. Random (you will have the possibility to choose which directions to randomize from if you don´t want all of them)
A sim that goes for a longer period of time without completing any...
*Whims will get the moodlet Life feels meh (+1 Bored and Decreasing Meaningfulness points).
*Quest wants will get the moodlet No direction in life (+1 Tensed and Decreasing Meaningfulness points).
FROM THE LIFE STRUGGLES PACK (Self Esteem system & Meaningfulness system)
One thing that I like with the Perk points is that it’s a game feature. The problem with the perk system is that you after a while will end up with an a lot of useless perk points when all rewards / perks are bought. (I still haven’t found out what you do with your influence points after you activated 4 NAPs???). I think that when they add something like the perks system they also need to make it into a circular system where you always can make use of your points (like with the satisfaction points = you can always buy an emotion / increase needs potion for your sim or give away as a gift).
I do really like the scout badges system (SEASONS EP) for some occasions. This could be used in something like an Education pack (grades system for Regular school / Home schooling).