What's keeping my sim from setting the table?
So I'm hoping someone can tell me what is off in this room. Background is this, I tell my sim to set the table, or clean the dishes, and they'll do it, but not this one particular seat at the table. As you can see in the image, it's empty.
Obviously it works, she can sit on it. I've had sims eat on it, so it's not something blocking the table surface, but when asked to clean up they will not take any plate on that seat, and when asked to set the table they will not set a placemat there. If told to do specifically that, as in now when the rest of the table is set, they'll get a question mark over their head, wave their hand to let me know they cannot perform that task - but why?
I don't see an issue with routing, the table space is good enough - so what is wrong here? Anyone who has any ideas?