I just started a new save because of Businesses and Hobbies.
I've been thinking about an old game lately, missing all the characters in it, and it dawned on me that I could recreate them in The Sims 4. Businesses and Hobbies seemed like a perfect pack to get it started.

The game is called VA-11 Hall-A. The main protagonist is a bartender named Jill Stingray, but my focus is her boss, Dana Zane. Dana recently purchased this dive bar called The Dive. But it's not Va-11 Hall-A (Valhalla). It's just a cheap bar she is using to earn money to buy Va-11 Hall-A, which is a pricey property atop a skyscraper in San Myshuno.
The best part of this is I get to rotate around and play all the characters I want--way more immersive than the original game.
As for game play, I initially started it just as a bar business, but it was quickly obvious that I would have to do something else to earn the amount of cash she needs. So I started making her own nectar brand. I thought I would sell it in the bar, but it brings in way more money to sell it through the inventory system. The place has some lot challenges since it is a dive bar. It grimey and accumulates trash and junk objects. So I started recycling the stuff and I use the bit and pieces to create voodoo dolls of all things. They go for 500 simoleons a pop.
The nectar alone will make all the money she needs to buy Va-11 Hall-A. I am letting it age and selling the bottles as they mature. In the meantime I am just enjoying playing these sims and their stories.