Forum Discussion

katitjv's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Where are all the dumpsters?

The main reason I got excited about this EP was the idea of dumpster diving for stuff. Well, my sims have visited the three lots in Evergreen Harbour that have a lot of trash and a dumpster. On the first and second day, when my sims visited the lots, only one of them had a dumpster that was not empty. On the morning of the third day, the other one of my two sims found something in that one dumpster, but then it was empty, too. And on the second lot it was still empty, while on the third lot, some sort of development had happened (which I guess is supposed to happen), and instead of trash and a dumpster there were this fabricators and candle making stations and stuff. So, now there are only two lots with dumpsters, and both dumpsters seem to stay empty.

I even made my sims visit a couple of other worlds and community lots, but all trash bins were empty. So, how are my sims supposed to make findings in trash and recycle, when there seem to be no trash anywhere? Or am I missing something? Where should I go to actually find something?

Also, one of my sims has the Freegan -trait, so I suppose at least she should be more likely to make some interesting findings, which she hasn't even when the dumpsters weren't completely empty.