Forum Discussion

Godleyjeans's avatar
6 years ago

Where our newspapers at?

With Get Famous just around the corner, it's time we ask the obvious question "Hey EA...where are our newspapers? Where do we get the juicy gossip on the miserable lifestyles of the rich and famous?"

Do we want everything to be delivered news wise to us via the internet? No.

Do we want to only hear so and so has died by logging onto our computers and reading a poorly written obituary? No.

Do we want to waste hours of our sims lives by making them search for the Tea online in a caffeine fuelled haze? No, but that would be hilarious.

Do we want scandal and news of a neighbour giving birth to be handed to us via purchasable paper based items? YES!

Where are our newspapers?
Along with that, WHY should we be given them?

Answer below as to why we should have them and if so, how EA can make them more worthwhile by adding some sims 4 flare!

Have a good evening, Simmers. See yah all later!
  • I miss this too. But then I thought it over a bit more, since they're making a push for more 'modern' objects, why not bring something similar to the futuristic books you could read in 3? Or perhaps a hologram magazine that contains more than one article? Such as news, local, etc. Animation can simply have your sim scrolling through it, of course, and it would eliminate the need for trash in the process. Just thinking aloud, though. There are some pretty good ideas in this thread already, but yeah, now I'm not so sure we'll get newspapers back. :/
  • I would love to have newspapers and landlines. In fact the animations for landlines are in the game, the hospital & science lab receptionists already use landline phones.
  • "CeCeDot;c-16821770" wrote:
    Barely anyone around me uses news papers anymore. We check news online. I wouldn't be opposed to have them back in the game, but instead of making it the default like in TS3 make it a service you have to call before you recieve them everyday.

    I also get my news online and, at times, from live television. However, in the spring, I get up very early to wet the lawn and I always seen the newspaper boy (A grown man) delivering his papers to several homes on the block.

    I say all of that to say, that not everyone likes to be online. That's an assumption that is made that insulting, in a way. Every doctor, every utility, every television show, or commercial directs consumers to the www. However, there are still so many people that don't have access and don't want it.

    If I want to portray people like that in my game, I can't. Because the game has already decided that I shouldn't.

    This series has strayed very far from what it originally was -- when player choice and options were the rule, rather than the exception. Having newspapers brought back and making smart phones an option, instead of a decree, would be a step on the right direction. It would be a step towards the original spirit of The Sims.