Jungle temple
This one takes the cake for me. I won’t forget the day when my fully prepared team of five played the guitar around the campfire in the temple and suddenly everyone was on fire AND a skeleton attacked them. Just last week I sent two rival groups of sims into the jungle and it was even better. Afterwards everyone was limping on their last leg and a long-standing relationship was destroyed (no deaths, though).
Bringing more than one sim is helpful for extinguishing fires or taking turns hacking away the vines at the portals (one sleeps, one hacks).
Mt. Komorebi
My close second. Unlike in the jungle, I had deaths here occasionally and reaching the summit is not a given. A team consisting of beginner climbers (skill level 6) can fail even if everyone is focused and using climbing gear – just last week I had a six hours uncomfortable moodlet from an injury and only four hours left at the very first steep wall. The sims all were beginners and didn’t have enough satisfaction points to buy the moodlet solver, so they had to abort the expedition. Still, even with the risk of failure objectively being greater than in the jungle, Mt. Komorebi drains my sims’ needs less.
Bringing more than one sim is recommended to plead with the Grim Reaper in case of accidents.
Batuu questline
Technically the worst that can happen here are timeouts (getting arrested or getting escorted out of the area) and Dazed moodlets. Getting electroshocked by a droid isn’t even dazed, but uncomfortable, so even eight shocks in a row cannot kill a sim (I gave up after eight, maybe some more would have done the trick by draining hunger too much).
As for the needs, motive drain would probably be the worst of all adventure packs if we didn't take freebuild into account.
Bringing more than one sim is recommended so that one can “call over” enemies to give the questing sim breathing space. Droids in my experience are too unreliable.
Werewolf tunnels
My sims suffered a bladder accident from staying too long in the tunnels, and, yes, they can get turned into werewolves. But overall the tunnels are more boring than draining, especially for non-werewolves. I never had luck with mundane sims, they only ever found frogs or food and never even a different exit than the one they went in through.
Strangerville mystery
From a storyteller perspective this can be an intense experience, but gamemechanically there being no timer, a sim could take it easy here and attempt every step with full needs and plenty of moodlets. I only included this pack in the poll, because I’ve read a lot that players speedrun the mystery in a matter of two or three days and I expect especially with starting sims this would drain their motives quite a lot.