Forum Discussion

LaBlue0314's avatar
Rising Scout
7 years ago

Who else goes a little over board when adding sims to your game save?

I never intend to do it, but for some reason I seem to go a little over board when populating my town. You probably cant make out who's who in the picture, but at the moment this is everyone, not counting those other sims that the game throws in. According to the game I have 235 sims.

Does anyone else go a little over board when adding sims to their game?

5 Replies

  • I rarely add any new sims to my saves but I do manually change the appearances of the randomly generated townies to bring more diversity to the genetics in my worlds. The reason why I decide to manually do this is that when they are generated they usually generate for a reason (landlord etc.) and I don't want them to lose that position because then the game will keep generating more and more townies... :'D
  • Bwahahaha! That is a TON of sims!

    When I add sims to my game (that I know I won't be playing often) I usually replace one of the townies I find unappealing. I go to the townie household, say "edit household", drop in the sims I want to add (often off the gallery), then delete the original townie sim. Then, I save the changes. It'll put this family in my played households list, but I just click the icon and put them back into the unplayed section. Voila! I get to see the cool sims around town and getting jobs and my actual played households stays down in size. (I think I've got about 6?)
  • Stina1701A's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    7 years ago
    This actually looks like my old save. I have ALL the premades, plus 2 households I created myself and along with several townie households that were unhoused has been housed as well. I have also saved a ton of unhoused townies that I want to keep in the game for various of reasons. My favorites Sim count is well in the upper 200. I think its in the 270s. That is not counting all the Sims the game has generated and are in the unfavorited section.

    But I play abit different, at least in my main save game. Apart from the two households I created in CAS, all the other households are original premades and townie Sims that the game itself has spawned for me.

    I am now in the process to do something different. Start small. I created a new save with mods and cc disabled (waiting for the mods to update and such), deleted ALL the premades except for the vamps and am in the process of seeding the world now with my Sims and Sims from the gallery. I am also changing the residential and community lots as well. I am going to start with only 1-3 households in rotational play and put some townies (about 24 or so should do it at first) in as homeless and hoping they will be chosen for npc work and as co-workers.

    But to be honest, after a few weeks (if I stay with this safe for long that is) it will start to look just like yours, again :wink:
  • My sims populations was 244 last time I checked after deleting newly generated ugly sims. So now after couple days of playing I think it's in 260's. I try to keep it below 300 .