For the first time ever I actually decorated and had a party for my sims on winterfest day. I usually ignore the holidays but for this brand new legacy I started, I decided that we were going to celebrate. I'm loving this family since I've taken the time to give them all personalities in my head lol. (I even verbally play out interactions and their thoughts and stuff. Thankful, I live alone.)
We had 3 children and 3 adults. The adults joined in opening the big box presents and I let the kids alone have the ones under the tree and all the ones from father winter.
I took all the presents and sat them in the living room, took a picture and tried to use as much of the stuff as I could and then sold what I couldn't. The gifts did impact my sims, but the gifts already lined up with their personalities. Or instance,Jaoni got his very own potion set so he doesn't have to share with his sisters. They also got one of those big gaming rigs, which I usually would sell, but 5 of the 6 are big geeks or mental focused, so we kept it. I never would have purchased this on my own.
I love celebrated the holidays now, and I really like the gifts.