@crinrictLooks like a bit different. In my case, he studied after moving into my household, then I asked him study really hard, and also he entered the building for graduation and got diploma as well. After that, he got a job at police station as detective level 6. After that, I took him out of my household, then turned him into unplayed sim again. A few days later, after my G sim graduated the univ of britechester, I saved Ken alone in the library, and I saved my G sim alone in the library.
I started a new game with my G sim for New Foxbury life, and I also took Ken out of library and left as a homeless sim. A few days later, I added him back into roommate again, and then my G sim got a new diploma in Foxbury. After that, I added Ken into my household and I tried to get another degree for Ken but all distinguished degrees are locked except for Fine Arts and Art History. Unbelievable point is his handiness, rocket science are all level 10 but the distinguished degree of computer science is still locked.
Oh yes I can share my saves if it's needed. 🙂 I will put him on the gallery.
Update: The household name is Eliot and the Sim who has this issue is Ken Rider. I just put it onto gallery. I removed all CC contents but I don't know why it said Custom contents were detected.. anyway, so custom contents has to be checked, otherwise they won't be seen.
(Posts merged by CM)