"musteni;c-18166673" wrote:
"mightysprite;c-18166366" wrote:
@rudolpha @musteni Could it be that you had the same thing happen as I did, that when the lifespans got longer, days were added to the end of your lifespan?
So your sim may have been say 33 days old both before and after the change, but after the change, 33 days old is an earlier point in the current lifestage than it was before. Each lifestage has gotten a little longer.
I don't think it's that. I read that days were added, but they're actually a lot younger. I had some that were almost ready to age up on long, but now they're near the beginning.
Edit: why on earth is this discussion in mods?
Please have a look at this bug report and click "me too" if this is also your issue: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Sims-age-up-on-first-load-days-added-once-on-load/m-p/11693048 I have the problem that my Sims are way too old (it would be right if they were minimally order due to the lifespan change but they are actually a lot older), but there are other posts in the thread where people experience their Sims to be a lot younger than they should.
And yeah, why has this thread been moved...? There are lifespan related problems that are MCCC related but not all are. I never used MCCC and do have problems even without mods installed. And I can imagine that a lot of people have them too but do not notice because of course I pay more attention to my Sims' ages when playing on short lifespan...