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crinrict's avatar
5 years ago

[ARCHIVED] How to use Mods/CC on PC

This thread is now archived.

Please use this thread going forward: [INFO] How to Use Mods and CC



Best Practice

How to install

How to uninstall

Common Pitfalls

Providing List of Mods/CC for helpers

CC & The Gallery


Mods/CC are a vital part of the Sims Series. Sims wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for them and you're very welcome to use it in Sims 4 as well. Be aware though that they are not supported in any way by EA/Maxis and that you're using them at your own risk. CC/Mods also get outdated with patches/game updates so make sure to stay on top and update your mods/cc when a new patch comes out. Never use outdated mods/cc on your game or they can seriously and permanently harm your save game.

For more information on mod issues and outdated mods, also see this thread: Usage of Mods and Custom Content

For help with Mods on Mac, see this: CC, Mods and Patching 


  • Mods refer to content that alters the behavior of the game. There are two types of Mods in Sims 4: 
    • Tuning or XML Mods: Changes on the XML Tuning. These come as package files
    • Script Mods: Pieces of Python code that inject themselves into the code to change the behavior of the game. Usually bigger mods. These come as ts4script files. Script Mods often also contain multiple package files, log files or other files (Script Mods used to come as .zip files that had python files inside. Script Mods like that are outdated and should no longer be used)
  • CC or Custom Content refers to additional, user made objects/hair/makeup/clothing/ ... These also come as package files but are different from XML Tuning mods package files. Some objects count as scripted Objects if they have code injected on them to add extra interactions. Those count as script mods.

File types

  • Package files: Custom Content and Tuning Mods. Go inside the mods folder and can be nested up to 5 folders deep.
  • ts4script files: Script Mods. Go inside the mods folder but can only be one folder deep. As a script mod usually contains several files it's best to create one folder per script mode and put all files belonging to that mod into this folder. That folder goes directly into the mods folder.
  • Resource.cfg: Modding Framework. Needed so the game can detect mods. The file is created with the mods folder and will recreate itself if deleted.
  • Zip files: Compressed files. Old Script mods came in this format but please don't use these anymore. If you download any custom content in zip files, you can extract them by double clicking on the downloaded zip. They act like a folder. Simply move the content of the zip file to your mods folder.
  • Rar Files/7z files: Compressed files. You need to extract these with either WinRar (free trial version available) or 7z (free version available). Move the content of these to your mods folder.
  • Txt & png/jpg files: Those are usually not needed for the mod to work and purely informational files added. You can remove them from the mods folder. 
  • Log/Txt and other settings file create by script mods: Those are usually files that are created while you play with a mod. Especially if there's ingame settings you can adjust. Keep them save if you want to keep your settings of a mod and don't delete them.

Best Practice

There's a few things you should be aware of and try to follow when using mods.

  • Keep Up-To-Date: Mods/CC get outdated with patches and they need updates. Make sure that you know what you downloaded where so you can check back with the sites. Script Mods are often also updated outside of patches to introduce new functionality. After bigger patches, there's usually folks that create list for outdated mods. Be on the lookout for those to help you know what's outdated. Sims4Studio (custom non-ea tool, just google) often offers batch fixes for outdated CC.
  • Know what you download: This means, don't download someone else mods folder. If you do that for multiple folders, you'll end up with conflicts and you have no idea what you've got. Rather try to find out what someone else is using and go to the creators site to download there. It's also a courtesy towards the creator of the mod/cc.
  • Keep your computer safe: Beware of Adfly and other ad-wall sites. Many Adfly Ads contain viruses. Don't click on them and avoid downloads that hide behind those. Make sure your Antivirus software is up-to-date when visiting sites. If you appreciate someone's mods/cc, find other ways to support them. Many offer Buy me a Coffee or patron links. 
  • Keep Organized: Find a system in your mods folder that works for you. You can have up to 5 nested folders. Organize your cc/mods for example by site you downloaded from and/or type of downloads.
  • Be Patient: Mod and CC Creators mostly work for free to provide all of us with great stuff to enhance our games. Never rush a cc/mod creator into updating their mods/cc after a patch. They need to analyze and find out what needs to be done. You can polity ask if a mod will get updated after some time but it's always the mod creators discretion if they want to do so.

How to install

There are hundred of Mod installation instructions around the net so I'm not repeating this here. Instructions are usually given from where you download the mod/cc from. If you have general issues, feel free to ask in this thread.

When asking for help here, be aware that (as per AHQ TOS) you can't put links to mods/cc downloads nor talk about adult mods (mods that would raise the rating of the game)

If you have issues with an individual mod/cc only, please ask at the creators site.

How to uninstall

Mod/CC can be removed by simply deleting the files from your mods folder. It's also good to delete the following file after doing so: documents\electronic arts\the sims 4\localthumbcache.package. The file is a cache file and will recreate on the next game start.

Some mods also install files to other folders like your saves folder. Make sure to also get rid of those. Best to read instructions provided by the creators.

If you use some of the bigger mods, uninstalling mods might damage your save. Make sure to read all instructions given and follow them.

Common Pitfalls

Mods not showing up happens often. The tips below should help you find out what's wrong.

  • Enabling Mods/CC: Mods/CC need to be enabled in your game to work. If you're using script mods, make sure to enable them separately. Patches disable these options automatically. This is to protect your game. You need to manually enable them again but make sure your mods/cc are still compatible before doing so. If the option is instantly disabled again, then you need to add Sims as an exception to your Antivirus program.

  • Mod Conflicts: If you download lots of different mods, they can potentially conflict with each other. Read the descriptions of the mods and make sure they don't use the same tuning resources.
  • CC for Sims 1-3: All CC comes in package files and hence is difficult to distinguish. Always read for which game the download is. Sims 1-3 files won't run with Sims 4 though so you need to remove those from your game. 
  • Wrong User Folder: Sometimes the game switches to using OneDrive or icloud and you're putting the mods in the wrong folder. See this to find out which folder the game is actually using and if you're putting them in the correct one:  How to find your User Folder 
  • Compressed Files: You forgot to decompress the files. You need .package files in your mods folder. Not .zip, .rar or .7z. 
  • Special Case Script Mods: Script mods can't be in sub-folders. Only one subfolder inside the mods folder is allowed. Make sure to not nest deeper.
  • No Mods folder: The mods folder gets automatically created with the documents folder. If you delete the folder and have mods turned off, it won't recreate though. Turn on the game, turn on mods, then restart the game and the folder should be created. If not, then the game uses a different folder than you think (see above)
  • Mods don't turn back on, they revert to being turned off: This is related to your security software blocking the GameVersion.txt files to be updated which in turn, disables mods again. Please see this thread for more details: [CURRENT ISSUE] Anti-Virus blocking User Folder (Screenshots/Gallery/Mods..)

Providing List of Mods/CC for helpers

To provide a list of your mods/cc to the helpers, please follow the instructions below (Pictures courtesy of MCCC Discord)

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