I name all my package files with the item name, the creators name, and the websites name from where I got it. I try to avoid any special characters besides numbers as I read it can slow your game, this includes underscores and spaces between words, so I just write my package files like this:
Tsr = the sims resource. I abbreviate creator names and website names if I am very familiar with the websites or creators. If I have enough content under a certain category (e.g male rings) I will make an entire sub-sub folder dedicated to said creator within that category folder. I.e I have a lot of adult female hairs by KiaraZurk, so I will find all my KiaraZurk hairs by navigating these folders I made:
Mods > AdultFem > Hairs > KiaraZurkBlogSpot
That way I can place package files in there without putting the website or the creator name in the package file name because it already tells me this information in my file name where I store all of Kiara Zurk's hairs. The only thing is if you miss out spaces in package file names, it's hard to search for them using key phrases because the entire package file name counts as one word, but, I also store my packages with pictures like GoddessSims. I rename the pictures to have the exact same name as the package files (except for the bit at the end that dictates what type of file it is i.e .jpeg, .png, .package.) If i still have trouble finding the location of a piece of cc, I'll make a family wearing it on the sims, then upload it to my library, open up the sims 4 tray importer and check the cc on that family. It brings me to the file location of the cc. There are tutorials online if you want to know more.
Idk if it's helpful to you, but LLS also has extracted icons for making the organization of your mods folder pretty. It doesn't work for me, for some reason, maybe it's my operating system but I know it works for some, so maybe you should try it. It allows you to add pictures to the actual file names, so you can have a picture of a dress where you want to put all your cc dresses and such. You can also download the other pictures LLS mentions and convert them to icons using picture to icon converters online, I have before and it worked: