8 years ago
Funeral Mod!!
Uh just ran into this but if you follow SimsVIP then you already know, if not check it out! This looks really cool. Dangerous was my #1 and leave it to the wonderful modding community to give it to us anyway lol :-). Edit: Also, check out some of her other mods... prom, baby shower, etc. Pretty awesome, hope EA does some of these someday.
Ok the site... http://brittpinkiesims.tumblr.com/post/157780754881/the-sims-4-funeral-event-mod-its-finally-done
Found it first from simsvip here.. https://simsvip.com/2017/03/05/sims-4-mod-releases-week-18/ Also if you scroll down there's a brawling mod and I've had it in my game now for a bit, it's great lol.

Ok the site... http://brittpinkiesims.tumblr.com/post/157780754881/the-sims-4-funeral-event-mod-its-finally-done
Found it first from simsvip here.. https://simsvip.com/2017/03/05/sims-4-mod-releases-week-18/ Also if you scroll down there's a brawling mod and I've had it in my game now for a bit, it's great lol.