Game doesn't launch.
- 3 months ago
pradaheaux That means that the issue is something in your old folder. The first suspect is always broken or outdated mods, so the place to start is with testing the contents of the Mods folder. Here's a list of files known to be broken after the most recent patch:
For anything not on the list, you'll need to test it yourself. The 50/50 method can make the process more efficient:
Once you've dealt with that, or start here if you don't have any mods or custom content (or you don't mind deleting the Mods folder entirely), you can move the contents of the old saves and Tray folders to the new Sims 4 folder, plus Screenshots and Recorded Videos if you care about those. The rest of the files and folders in the old Sims 4 folder can be discarded.