7 years ago
[Guide] How to use Sims 4 Studio to tag your CAS CC for the 6/19 patch.
Hi there. Since today's patch introduced two new outfit categories, and thus a reason for many people to download Sims 4 Studio and use it for maybe their first time, I thought I would write a fast guide on how to assign the categories to your CC.
Remember that it isn't necessary to do this, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Your CC clothes will still work in both of the new categories if you disable the filter. It's just that some of you may want to have your CC show up under the appropriate filter without having to go all or nothing.
This is very easy and simple to do and a guide may not be necessary but I thought it couldn't possibly hurt.
The first thing to do is to download Sims 4 Studio, which you can get here.
You need to have an account to be able to download it, so register with the site.
After you have it downloaded, launch it. You're going to look for a button that says "My CC" and click it.
Now a window will open up, and to the left will be all of your package files. Select one of the files. To the right, you'll be able to preview the contents of the file. Scroll down to where it says "Outfit Type", and you'll see the new categories, Hot Weather and Cold weather.
Simply check the box to tag the item. You can tag it for hot, cold, both, or neither. It's entirely up to you.
Now all you need to do is hit the "Apply to All Swatches" Button, and then save the package, and move on to the next!
EDIT: I wanted to add that Sims 4 Studio has now added a Batch Fix for tagging some items automatically. HOWEVER, it does not tag everything, some things will still need to be tagged manually and certain things can get mistagged depending on how the CC creator labeled their items. Be sure to read the details http://sims4studio.com/thread/13771/studio-3-wishes-candy-apple
I would recommend to do the process manually instead of using the batch fix, unless you have so much CC that you just cant be bothered doing that.
Remember that it isn't necessary to do this, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to. Your CC clothes will still work in both of the new categories if you disable the filter. It's just that some of you may want to have your CC show up under the appropriate filter without having to go all or nothing.
This is very easy and simple to do and a guide may not be necessary but I thought it couldn't possibly hurt.
The first thing to do is to download Sims 4 Studio, which you can get here.
You need to have an account to be able to download it, so register with the site.
After you have it downloaded, launch it. You're going to look for a button that says "My CC" and click it.
Now a window will open up, and to the left will be all of your package files. Select one of the files. To the right, you'll be able to preview the contents of the file. Scroll down to where it says "Outfit Type", and you'll see the new categories, Hot Weather and Cold weather.
Simply check the box to tag the item. You can tag it for hot, cold, both, or neither. It's entirely up to you.
Now all you need to do is hit the "Apply to All Swatches" Button, and then save the package, and move on to the next!
EDIT: I wanted to add that Sims 4 Studio has now added a Batch Fix for tagging some items automatically. HOWEVER, it does not tag everything, some things will still need to be tagged manually and certain things can get mistagged depending on how the CC creator labeled their items. Be sure to read the details http://sims4studio.com/thread/13771/studio-3-wishes-candy-apple
I would recommend to do the process manually instead of using the batch fix, unless you have so much CC that you just cant be bothered doing that.