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- loubyloulou6 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Chazzzy;c-17014908" wrote:
I have no idea what “Freetime” is or does. Other than that, it’s ok I guess? I often times forget that I even have it installed to tell you the truth. I really only go to it if I’m bored or just want to get a Sim out of the house for a bit. In a way, it’s similar to the social feature from LittleMsSam which added a bunch of rabbit-hole locations to send your Sims. I find myself using that more because of how it links up with holidays.
And I use MCCC and UI Cheats as well so no conflict that I’ve noticed.
OK, thanks, good to know. What's the LittleMsSam mod? I have a bunch of theirs already and they always seem to work well. - loubyloulou6 years agoSeasoned Ace
"Chazzzy;c-17014928" wrote:
"loubyloulou;c-17014924" wrote:
"Chazzzy;c-17014908" wrote:
I have no idea what “Freetime” is or does. Other than that, it’s ok I guess? I often times forget that I even have it installed to tell you the truth. I really only go to it if I’m bored or just want to get a Sim out of the house for a bit. In a way, it’s similar to the social feature from LittleMsSam which added a bunch of rabbit-hole locations to send your Sims. I find myself using that more because of how it links up with holidays.
And I use MCCC and UI Cheats as well so no conflict that I’ve noticed.
OK, thanks, good to know. What's the LittleMsSam mod? I have a bunch of theirs already and they always seem to work well.
Yep! I love that she’s constantly adding new mods but also pretty quick to update and add to current ones.
It’s called “Social Activities” - link:
Awesome, thank you! - Madamelee6 years agoLegendExploring costs money
Most options cost money so if you have no money or the amount it requires it will tell you that can't afford it. So don't gamble all your money away.
You can now travel with other sims using the new "Explore With" menu. You will be able to build relationships with them while away.
Classes (for Teens+):
Take classes
Your sims will be able to take classes to help increase skills needed. Here are the following classes available with this version:
- Baking
- Confidence
- Dance
- Gourmet cooking
- Home-style cooking
- Photography
- Yoga
- Guitar (V2)
- Painting (V2)
- Gardening (V3)
- Skating (V3)
- Handiness (V3)
Go Shopping
Your sims will be able to go outfit shopping. They will return home with a new outfit.
- Shop for Everyday outfit
- Shop for Formal outfit
- Shop for Swimwear
- Shop for Pajamas
- Shop for Summer
- Shop for Winter
- Birth control shot
- Go see a doctor - cures get together sicknesses
- Get a massage
- Get different types of surgery
- Get a weight loss trainer
- Talk to a therapist - removes bad mood buffs
- Go to dentist (V2)
- Get henna tattoos (V2)
- Nail salon - more nail colors (V2)
- Go get Makeup done - more makeup styles (V2)
- Go to the dermatologist - comes back with smooth skin (V3)
- Go to couples therapy - explore with menu (V3)
Make Money
You will be able to make money by working at a temporary service job with no commitment. You will also be able to gamble which is a new skill added to the game!
- Work at a temp service (different hours)
- Gamble (different options)
- Faster gamble skill increases (V2)
- Lose less money the higher the gamble skill is (V2)
There are now social interactions involving the explore mod! They are basic friendly interactions that any sim can do.
- Ask for gambling money
- Talk about vacation
- Talk about exploring
- Talk about classes
Your sims can now go on dates which can go good or go completely bad. Here are the following places you can go on dates:
- Go on a roller rink date (V3)
- Go on a movie date (V3)
- Go on a date to the zoo (V3)
- Go on a dinner date (V3)
"Fun Stuff"
- Comedy club
- Fishing
- Go out to eat
- Bowling
- Gym
- Haunted House
- Get icecream
- Karaoke
- Movie
- Zoo
- Playground
- Toy store - kids will buy a toy, candy, or both. (Fixed V4)
- Japanese hot springs (V2)
- Go to the farmers market - comes back with farming items (V3)
- Go Trick or Treating - Comes back with candy (V4)
Vacations (1 day):
This option allows sims to go on a "1 day vacation" to any option that you choose. Make sure you take a sick or vacation day before you go if you have school or work!
- Go to Jurassic Park (V2)
- Go to the beach (V2)
- Go on a cruise (V2)
- Go to Disney World (V2)
Take Out
Don't feel like cooking or don't know how to cook? You can now Let your sims go get takeout!
- Go get cheese pizza (V3)
- Go get pepperoni pizza (V3)
- Go get cake (V3)
- Go get donuts (V3)
- Go get hamburgers (V3)
- Go get hotdogs (V3)
- Get Family Mealkits - vegetarian/non-vegetarian options (V4)
One school option:
Study at Libarary
Miss Sam's "Social Actives
(Visit Friends, Family and more)
This Mod adds Social Activities for your Sims to go to!
This Mod adds a new Social Activities Menu to Sims Phones.
There you’ll find several Social Activities you can send your Sims to. You can go alone or take Household Members with you to visit some Friends for example.
Category Social Activities
Visit Friends (with Pets allowed)
This lets your Sims visit Friends of their own Age only. They will be gone between 120-180 Minutes. While they are away their Fun & Social Needs will fill up. If your Kids/Teens still have Homework to do (Including Extra Credits) they will do their Homework with their Friends. Visiting Friends will also build up Friendships!
Visit Family (with Pets allowed)
This will let your Sims be able to Visit Family Members of any Age who don’t live in the same Household anymore. They can go alone or take other Household Members with them. Visiting Family Members will fill up Fun & Social Needs as well as Friendship.
Visit Acquaintances (with Pets allowed)
This lets your Sims visit Acquaintances (which also includes Family Members, Friends) of all Ages. They will be gone between 120-180 Minutes. While they are away their Fun & Social Needs will fill up.
Visit Crush (“First Love” Mod needed)
If you have my “First Love” Mod your Sims Children can go and visit their Crush. They will be gone between 120-180 Minutes. While they are away their Fun & Social Needs will fill up. If your Kids still have Homework to do (Including Extra Credits) they will do their Homework with their Crush. Spending Time with their Crush will build up the “First Love Relationship” as well as Friendship.
Go on a Date
This lets your Sims go on a Date. You can choose a Sim from your Household or other Households. They will be gone between 120-180 Minutes. While they are away their Fun, Social Needs & Hunger will fill up. Going on a Date will also build up Romance. Sometimes Sims will even have a Woohoo while they are away.
Category Activities for Toddlers
Send to Daycare (Costs 10 $ per hrs & Sim)
This will let your Sims (Parents & Caregiver) send Toddlers to the Daycare. You can send them there for 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 hrs. While Toddlers are away their Fun, Social Needs, Bladder & Hunger will fill up. They’ll also build up all 5 Skills while being away.
Category Activities for Pets
Send to Pet Sitter (Costs 10 $ per hrs & Pet)
This will let your Sims (Teen and above) send Pets to the Pet Sitter. They will stay there up to 4, 8, 12, 24 hrs. While Pets are away their Affection & Play, Bladder & Bowel Needs as well as Hunger & Hygiene will fill up. You can call them back earlier via the Phone “Call back from Pet Sitter”. Sometimes it seems that Pets can get Stuck in the Rabbithole. So i added the Petsitter Call back Interaction whenever a Pet is in a Social Activity so you can bring them back this way.
Send to/Go to Dog Trainer (Costs 100 $ per Pet)
Each time your Pets go to the Dog Trainer they will learn a new Command. When your Sims decide to go with their Pets they will build up their Training Skill as well.
Category Vacations
Mini Vacation (with Pets allowed)
Send your Parents and younger Siblings on a Mini Vacation and have the House for Yourself to throw a Party
Duration 48 hrs – mind Age: Toddler
Child Social
All Toddler Skills
Important Info: Make sure that your Sims don’t have Work or School for the time you want them to go away or they’ll miss School/Work.
I tried to get the on Vacation Interaction to be saved so i made a small Workaround which works for 80-90%. When you send some Household Sims away ususally traveling was not possible. No you can travel with Sims who stayed at home and when you come back on the Lot the Sims on Vacation will still be away. It won’t work if you send Toddlers/Pets alone away and leave the lot. The Game does not like that so this will not work for them. If you send them with Teens & above away it should work. Known Issues: Sometimes the “Workaround” is visible. This means the Game will spawn the Sim on the Lot and you will see them for a moment before they are on Vacation again.
For married Sims only
Duration 24 hrs – mind Age: Teen
Important Info: Make sure that your Sims don’t have Work for the time you want them to go away or they’ll miss Work. You can’t leave the Lot with the remaining Sims or the Sims will come back earlier. Restarting the Game or going into CAS will reset the Timer and the 24hrs will start over.
I tried to get the on Vacation Interaction to be saved so i made a small Workaround which works for 80-90%. When you send some Household Sims away ususally traveling was not possible. No you can travel with Sims who stayed at home and when you come back on the Lot the Sims on Vacation will still be away. It won’t work if you send Toddlers/Pets alone away and leave the lot. The Game does not like that so this will not work for them. If you send them with Teens & above away it should work. Known Issues: Sometimes the “Workaround” is visible. This means the Game will spawn the Sim on the Lot and you will see them for a moment before they are on Vacation again.
Category Other Activities
Hiking Trip (with Pets allowed)
Duration 180-240 min – mind Age: Toddler
PlantSim Water
Vampire Thirst
Toddler Attention
Child Social
Child Motor
Toddler Movement
Toddler Communication
Extra: Small Chance to find Items
Music Concert (Costs 80 $ per Hour & Sim)
Duration 150-240 min – mind Age: Child
Vampire Thirst
Child Social
Child Creativity
Circus (Costs 15 $ per Hour & Sim)
Duration 120-180 min – mind Age: Toddler
Vampire Thirst
Toddler Attention
Child Social
Toddler Imagination
Toddler Communication
Cooking Competition
Duration 150-210 min – mind Age: Teen
Vampire Thirst
Extra: Chance to Win 1st (5.000$), 2nd (2.500$) or 3rd (500$) Price
Art Exhibition
Duration 120-180 min – mind Age: Toddler
Toddler Attention
Child Social
Child Creativity
Toddler Imagination
Toddler Movement
Toddler Communication
Read and Meet Book Group
Duration 120-180 min – mind Age: Toddler
Toddler Attention
Child Creativity
Child Social
Toddler Imagination
Toddler Communication
Museum of Technology (Costs 10 $ per Hour & Sim)
Duration 120-150 min – mind Age: Toddler
Toddler Attention
Child Mental
Toddler Thinking
Toddler Movement
Go to Church
Duration 120 min – mind Age: Toddler
Toddler Attention
Social (Child)
All Toddler Skills
Responsibility (Teens/Kids
(my question is can they work together) - loubyloulou6 years agoSeasoned AceThanks for all the detail @MadameLee. I haven't had time to go in-game yet, but this weekend I'm going to try out both this one and the LittleMsSam mod that @Chazzzy mentioned.
- got a job gambler and when I open a career the buttons do not work, everything, even the menu. and the career window itself is buggy with a flying slider and question marks. help pls
- Ah, this is a different mod. sorry
- Anyone else have the issue when downloading the explore mod , the explore option shows but only says (try for license 75$) ? I went on the older website of kawaiistacies and all the options showed up but I couldn’t interact with any new sims .. just sims my sims knew already !? Anyone else have/had this issue and know how to solve it? Thanks !
- Pahndamonium326 years agoSeasoned Ace
"LiisaShearer;c-17275077" wrote:
Anyone else have the issue when downloading the explore mod , the explore option shows but only says (try for license 75$) ? I went on the older website of kawaiistacies and all the options showed up but I couldn’t interact with any new sims .. just sims my sims knew already !? Anyone else have/had this issue and know how to solve it? Thanks !
It looks like the most recent version of this mod that fixes those issues is currently locked on her patreon. - friendsfan3676 years agoNew Spectatori love it. i just recently started using it.
"LiisaShearer;c-17275077" wrote:
Anyone else have the issue when downloading the explore mod , the explore option shows but only says (try for license 75$) ? I went on the older website of kawaiistacies and all the options showed up but I couldn’t interact with any new sims .. just sims my sims knew already !? Anyone else have/had this issue and know how to solve it? Thanks !
I know that in newer versions then your sims can't access any of the options until they've first gone and got their licence (or bus pass if they're a child). So you have to do that first, and then all of the options should appear. I'm not sure about interacting with new sims tho I'm afraid :/
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