I had all of my TS3 packs and almost all of the store worlds when was on Steam, when had to transfer to Origin it lost all of my paid store worlds, Im having to rebut them, cant find them on my Steam account anymore either.....
In regards to TS4, I finally stupidly did this patch and one before it after I was purposely avoiding them. I always run a repair after patch or new pack, that repair is taking hours instead of minutes now. On my husbands older but can still run Sims 4 and mods and any CC I wanted if I wanted wont load mods or show theyre installed, the only 2 i use, or save the settings I change it back to, it works on my Omen gaming one but I cant count on that one, we've been trying to fix it for over a year now, I lost everything on it all my saves, on my husbands I had been using it wont keep at least my settings, I tried the help in diff post and those steps didn't work on his and it was fine till this new patch.
They need to stop, and please fix things, I have no games I can play now after all my work ( over a year on mine gone, and now cant get into the new ones I had on my hubby's) ugh, sorry about yours, its painful losing what you work so hard on/for. This is my outlet, I have bipolar and I need this game, if I cant play it bc someone doesn't fix it to be playable please, Ive paid full price for everything only pack I don't have is Star Wars, Im not buying anything else bc I have so many bugs if I enable EL that I have to keep it disabled and I really want to play it.
They haven't fixed Freelance Careers and you need a mod for that to fix, maybe they should just hire modders to do bug fixes and repairs, they can do it and they don't have resources EA or who the hell ever it is anymore, so maybe they need to stop not fixing things. TS4 isn't the first one in this franchise or other EA games that ate left bug ridden and sometimes still unplayable without all kinds of work arounds, mods or such, and all they do is wave info for a new pack or patch with features and too many go looking like its glitter. How do you expect that new glittery stuff to not break when they gotta get past the mountains they've created by not addressing issues when it could have been easier.
Of course the more stuff you add not only can it make issues worse, or harder to find even, but make new issues too. They gotta find a way to stop listening to the, we are ready for new stuff, why cant we have new packs, and instead fix it right, test it thoroughly with other packs added not just base game ( that's part of the problem there) and not put anything out till its really at least best they can do. Make ppl learn to be patient, i want new stuff too but I would rather it work the best it can when i get it, even if it takes longer to get. There will always be some issues, its technology, technology doesn't exist without issues. But at least folks try to force them to take longer, work longer on making the quality better and when bugs are there work longer on fixing them. Oh and also they said they'd be more into talking to us more about stuff, they should already have started that, let us know what ones they ate trying to get to at least.
Sorry this is long, Ive been around since 1, just didn't get to play 2 only. Im not happy, and I just want to play my game and constantly have to start over losing saves and having to disable packs ( that's ridiculous) why sell them if you wont be able to use them. Sorry my rant is over now too. I feel the same as OP, sorry about your loss, that's so much work