I have never been able to make a mod, but here is my idea:
So, it's a Wall Wings mod (change it to a different name. Im terrible at naming :blush: ) . You can place a framed pair of wings that come in the colors gold, silver, red, and bronze on the wall. You can view the different colored wings on the wall to change your Sim's mood. Gold makes your Sim confident or flirty for 24 hours. Silver makes your Sim mischievous or angry for 24 hours, and finally Bronze makes your sim inspired or focused for 24 hours. It is just out of random if you get one or the other emotion. But red is different. If your Sim views it, he/she will want to exercise non-stop. They will constantly have the energized emotion and their energy need will deplete way slower. To stop this reaction to red you can order and eat a pizza and then take a nap once you finish.