NakedFootFountain (
MiscMods): Sims will put off their footwear when playing in a fountain.
NatureWalkForEveryone (
SeasonsMods): Sims who aren't in the gardening career can also do nature walks.
NerdFestival (
CityLivingMods): Townie outfit fix: Weird outfit fix for the Geek Con (no general clothing changes). With version 2 the Cosplayers will also wear costumes from the Get Famous Expansion.
NoAgingAtBirthdayPartyInvites (
MiscMods): Sims will no longer age autonomously when they invite you to their birthday party.
NoAlienMoodGlow (
GetToWorkMods): Disables the alien glow, only the visible effect (see my secret alien mod for further remedies).
NoAutonomousHomeworkAndJournal (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousJogging (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousMakeMess (
ParentingMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousMakeIcecreamOnResidentialLots (
FoodRelatedMods): Sims will no longer autonomously make ice cream on residential lots instead of cooking a proper meal.
NoAutonomousMakePopcornOnResidentialLots (
FoodRelatedMods): Sims will no longer autonomously use the popcorn machine on residential lots instead of cooking a proper meal.
NoAutonomousMouldClay (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousPeeInBush (
OutdoorRetreatMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousSingingSelfpractise (
CityLivingMods): Disables autonomous singing self practise.
NoAutonomousSwipe (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousToiletPlaying (
ParentingMods): Stopps toddlers from playing autonomously in toilets.
NoAutonomousUseBoxOfDecorations (
SeasonsMods): Self explaining.
NoAutonomousWashDishAfterEating (
MiscMods): Self explaining.
NoBabyEyeGlow (
MiscMods): Removes the creepy glow on baby eyes.
NoCallToAction_PrePerformanceObjects (
GetFamousMods): Disables the highlights around styling objects when working as an actor.
NoCelebrityWalkstyle (
GetFamousMods): Disables the celebrity walkstyle.
NoChaletGardenGhosts (
GetTogetherMods): Deactivates the Chalet Gardens ghost couple.
NoColdSitOnPoolEdge (
SeasonsMods): Sims will no longer sit on the pool edge when it's cold.
NoCurryContestShirt (
CityLivingMods): Self explaining.
NoDJBoothVfx (
OutdoorRetreatMods): Gets rid of the visual effects when Sims interact with the DJ-booth.
NoEasyLabour (
GetToWorkMods): Sims will no longer refill all their motives when giving birth in hospital.
NoExtraMoneyOnPromotion (
MiscMods): Sims will not be granted an extra simoleon bonus when promoted. Higher wages should be enough.
NoFakeVampire (
VampireMods): Townie outfit fix. Sims and vampires strolling through your neighbourhoods at night will wear their own outfits instead of randomly generated so-called "vampire styled" ones.
NoFameShine (
GetFamousMods): Completely deactives the fame shine.
NoFestival_CallToAction (
GetToWorkMods): Deletes the orange highlights around computers, curry and punch fountains at festivals.
NoFestivalTeaGlow (
CityLivingMods): Sims will no longer glow after drinking festival teas.
NoGhostFix (
MiscMods): Fixes several situations in which ghosts should not contact you (for instance family gifts from died relatives). To disable phone calls by ghosts please use my extendedinvitations mod.
NoGhostPets (
Cats&DogsMods): Disables the ghost pets that appear near the lighthouse.
NoHolidayGhostWalkbys (
SeasonsMods): Ghosts will no longer stroll through your neighbourhoods on holidays with the mourning tradition.
NoHolidayGoalCompleteInteraction (
SeasonsMods): Disables the self interaction that is forced on your Sims each time a holiday goal is compleated.
NoHolidayOutcomeNotification (
SeasonsMods): Nukes the text messages who inform you about the outcome of a holiday.
NoHolidaySingingSocial (
SeasonsMods): Deactivates the holiday singing social as Sims always randomly choose a song which doesn't fit the holiday theme.
NoMuralDecay (
CityLivingMods): Murals do not decay.
NoMusicNotsForEarbuds (
MiscMods): No more musical notes (visual effects) while listening to ear buds.
NoPatientVisibleEffect (
GetToWorkMods): Patients at hospitals will no longer show the ugly blue/red heart above their heads that ruins screenshots
NoPetEyeglow (
Cats&DogsMods): Removes the glow from pet eyes.
NoPlayFromInventoryExceptToddlers (
MiscMods): Only toddlers will play autonomously with toys placed in their inventory with this mod.
NoRandomPetClothing (
Cats&DogsMods): Disables the majority of pet clothing for random. Addon version: Disables the remaining pet clothing for random.
NormalHugIsNoCrassAct (
MiscMods): Unflirty Sims will react completely normal to the friendly hug interaction. It´s no romance interaction after all!
NoSicklyGrocery (
MiscMods): If you buy grocery it will no longer be of sickly quality.
NoToddlerGrowingSoFastBuff (
MiscMods): Disables the broken buff where Sims will continuously be happy because a toddler has reached level 3 or 5 of a skill, where there is no such reason.
NoUmbrellasForToddlers (
SeasonsMods): Self explaining.
NorthEuropeLeafTweak (
SeasonsMods): Alters the Windenbourg weather to allow for leaves on the ground from the beginning of fall.
NoTextMessagesForFixedBadRelationships (
ParentingMods): Disables the dull and ever repeating text messages on your pinboard received after helping someone fix a bad relationships.
NoUncomfortableWakeBuff (
MiscMods): Nukes the uncomfortable buff Sims get from waking up in a cheap bed.
NoUninvitedNeighbourHangout (
CityLivingMods): Sims with the traits insane or goofball will not longer autonomously intrude on your Sims.
NoVisualPersonalRaincloudCurse (
JungleMods): Disables the visual personal raincloud that derives from some curses.
NoVisualPersonalSunBlessing (
JungleMods): There will be no visible sun over your Sim's head when he has been blessed in the jungle.
OpenCapsuleFromInventory (
MiscMods): The capsules containing MySims figures can now be extracted directly from the inventory without having to wait for your Sim just like fossils, seed packages and such.