6 years ago
Not Receiving Royalties?
Hi! Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong category
Anyway, I've noticed that my sims haven't been receiving royalties for writing. I'm not sure when this started, but I suspect it was probably after the November 13 or November 20 patches. I haven't seen anyone with the same issue, so I'd assume that the problem is probably because of one of my mods? I've checked the broken mods list for both patches but cannot find any in my game that aren't updated fully.
Any ideas?
Thank you! :)
Anyway, I've noticed that my sims haven't been receiving royalties for writing. I'm not sure when this started, but I suspect it was probably after the November 13 or November 20 patches. I haven't seen anyone with the same issue, so I'd assume that the problem is probably because of one of my mods? I've checked the broken mods list for both patches but cannot find any in my game that aren't updated fully.
Any ideas?
Thank you! :)