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3 years agoHero+
New Bugfix Mods
- Death By Meteorite Ghost Trait FIX (VivianYT)
This mod replaces the broken Death By Meteorite ghost trait, that appears as just a placeholder and not an actual trait, with a custom one that I made. I had to make it since there is no official Death By Meteorite trait made by Maxis. Any sim that dies or has died by a meteorite will get this trait with this mod installed, and the trait behaves just like any regular ghost trait.
Sim Retirement Bug Fix (Carl)- not needed after Aug 30 patch- Stop Change Phone Color Obsession (LittleMsSam)
This Mod stops Sims from changing their Phone Color each time they travel or a Household gets loaded unless they do indeed have the default Phone Color. I also removed the camera focus code.
- High School Spawn Fix (Zerbu)
Fixes an issue that prevented player-made teens from spawning at the active high school, and makes it so that the game is equally likely to spawn teens who are assigned to class 1 and class 2. Please note that those two issues are directly related, so it’s not possible (or at least not easy) to fix only one.
Bug Fix – No Incestulous Wants (EP1CxEMAN08)- no longer needed after the hotfix - Villager NPC Roles Fix (Simvasion)
Fixes an issue which causes the villagers with special roles in Cottage Living to be replaced with new random sims, and also fixes the same issue with the Eco Master, Maker and Entrepreneur sims in Eco Lifestyle.
- SetAgeProgress Error Bandaid (LeRoiDeTout) - for people who have experienced the bug at
This is a new error that started occurring after the High School Years (1.90) game patch. At the moment it is not clear whether or not this is mod-related in origin or not, though personally I am leaning towards it being from a mod. Unfortunately, once the error occurs, it bakes itself into the save, and so removing mods alone will not fix it.
This mod aims to band-aid the issue. Any Sim who has their "age progress" set to an invalid amount (which is what causes the error) will have their age progress reset to 0. This means that if a Young Adult Sim was about to age up, they are now at the start of their Young Adult age span once more. Unfortunately, since I do not know what is causing the Sims to have invalid age progress data in the first place, I cannot recover what the value should be. Nonetheless, Sims without the invalid data should be left alone. - Trendi Band-aid (LeRoiDeTout) - for the save error caused by CC with "Fashion Rarity" tags
A band-aid mod for the Fashion Trend Service exception/error code 532/save failure.
This mod is a band-aid not a "proper fix": it simply helps you find the CC that you need to fix/remove and allows you to save your game. Note that the "groundhog day" bug is very likely caused by more than one underlying issue. This band-aid may help with it, but it may not fix the problem for all users as there may be something else going on that needs to be addressed. - OrganizationServiceFix (LeRoiDeTout)
This fixes a specific "Organization Service" error that comes from culled Sims not being removed as members from Uni organizations./quote]
- SellOnTrendiAgain (LeRoiDeTout)
This one fixes an occasional bug that would prevent Sims from being able to properly sell outfits on Trendi to their buyers./quote]
- Sims Not Running Long Distances Bug Fix (Lot51)
This mod fixes a bug introduced in 1.90 (High School Years Patch) that prevents Sims from running over long distances when directed to go somewhere.
- Highschool Promote Fix (LittleMsSam)
When you play only in the active Highschool Career and follow your Teen each time, they will often not promote even if their performance is on top. I added a Loot to the Take Notes Interaction, when Teens are in class. This Loot tests if their Performance statistic is at least 95. If that is the case, they will promote.
- Townie Sexual Orientation: Fix & Diversity (flauschtrud) - The three versions of the mod vary in whether they make new townies all pansexual or with a variety of orientations. Please read the full description of the three versions - don't install all three
There's a lot that is still not working with the new sexual orientation feature. This mod tries to fix one aspect: the sexual orientation of random townies... There currently is a bug regarding the sexual orientation of random townies. They have a very high chance of being aromantic and asexual, which makes it extremely difficult to find partners for your Sims.
- NPC Relationship Autonomy Fix (LittleMsSam)
With the Highschool DLC NPC Relationship Autonomy Interactions were added which happen totally random, so i added some tests to them to hopefully fix that
- Cardigan Sweater Fix (Scarlet)
Fixes the deformed LODs for the yfTop_CardiganBelted top.
- MMalphaBetaPhongCounterFixes (Menaceman44)
Corrects a mesh error where the handles on the outer corner pieces of both the standard and island versions of the Alpha Beta Phong counters from Cool Kitchen Stuff are off-centre.
- Energized Shower Interaction Fix (thunder1143)
This is a relatively simple fix which fixes the bug that prevents several shower interactions from showing up on the open showers from Discover University and Snowy Escape while the Sim is energized.
Beaded Necklace Fix (Scarlet(Fixes the Beaded Necklace (from HSY) so that it no longer floats to the side when you zoom out.
- Servos Don't get Sick (thunder1143)
- EA Beard fixes, ChinStrap & BeardCurlyTight (isaax-sims)
These two EA beards have gaps when male Sims with feminine frames wear them, so I did my best to fix them!
New for the Patch/Pack- No Constant Phone (lazarusinashes)
- Small Mod: Choose High School Classmates (Rex)
- Body Hair Luumia V5+ Redux (javitrulovesims) - separated, recolored, and reclassified in the new categories; will be deleted if/when Luumia releases a version
- Balancing Act - Neutralising Reshade for Copperdale (amoebae)
The lighting in the Copperdale world that came with High School Years has very harsh, black shadows at midday, as well as a strong teal-green tint to the overall lighting. I’ve made a MultiLUT shader that tries to make the shadows less intense, and also neutralises that green tint.
- Stop T-Posing Please! (Makarra) (note: this isn't about Sims that got reset! It's the in-game T-Pose Challenge)
- Expanded Trendi Outfit Selection Mod (simsmodelsimmer)
In The Sims 4 High School Years, the new Trendi Fashion feature was introduced, but only a limited number of CAS pieces can be used when creating a fashion look. This mod expands Trendi to generate a list of all CAS items you own (based on the packs you have installed). IMPORTANT NOTE: The list generates at 6am each day, so after installing the mod you must wait until after 6am either the current or next day for the list to generate with all items. The mod does not yet include CC items (still investigating how to make this work).
- High School Spawn Fix (Zerbu)
Fixes an issue that prevented player-made teens from spawning at the active high school, and makes it so that the game is equally likely to spawn teens who are assigned to class 1 and class 2. Please note that those two issues are directly related, so it’s not possible (or at least not easy) to fix only one.
- Bugfix: HSY Hanging Clothes (Ilex)
While working on a related mod I realized that the High School Years hanging clothes, while marked as dressers, are missing the tuning that would make them actually function. So you click on them and nothing happens. So I figured, hey that's an easy fix that I can put out! Hopefully this is only a temporary fix until it gets patched but it should do the job for now. And when a real fix comes through I'll just discontinue this mod.
- Form Groups In School! (MissyHissy)
enable the Add To Group interaction while Sims are in school.
- Phone Animation For Teens Only! (MissyHissy)
This mod disables the animation for all age groups other than teens; with this installed, only the teens will use the phone animations when walking.
- High School Years Mod - Dress Normal at the Thrift Store (NateTheL0ser)
- MiniMod: Re-Roll Wants (Lumpinou)
The game re-rolls wants when your Sim wakes up, so, that's cool, but if you don't want to wait until then, you can use this interaction.
- More Discipline (adeepindigo)
Parenthood compatibility was missing from this pack so I added it.
- More Fun Pier Rides (adeepindigo)
Pier rides didn't satisfactorily increase the fun meter so hopefully this should do it.
- Better Fears Mod (Bosselady)
- Teens/Children Can Mess With Curfew (nolwen)
- Cheer Meet Uses Career Cheer Uniform (NateTheL0ser)
- No High School Situation Outfit (NateTheL0ser)
- High School Years - Leave Me Alone About Early Graduation (NateTheL0ser)
- Thrift Store Overhaul (xosdr) - requires HSY
- High School More Class Mates (Aramiteus) - note that it may conflict with other mods controlling classmate spawning
- Additional SimTuber Avatars (DerShayan)
Over 120 new avatar icons from the base game and some packs are added to the selection.
- Stop Messing with Phones (Simularity)
There are two flavors of this new mod, one mod stops ALL Sims from using their phones constantly while doing other tasks while the other flavor stops all EXCEPT teen Sims from constantly using their phones. Both flavors have the added feature of stopping your Sims from randomly changing the color of their phones no matter what age group they’re in.
- Keep University Homework in Inventory (Simularity)
- Refresh Thrift Store Inventory (LeRoiDeTout)
Allows you to refresh the outfits available to you in the Thrift Store when creating a fashion look, with a console simple command
- Less Random Crushes (adeepindigo)
Sims won't get crushes after every friendly interaction. Crushes will now be a little bit more realistic and take into account the Sims' personalities, likes and dislikes, shared interests, and more.
- Shop for Prom Outfit (adeepindigo)
This is a tiny mod that allows your sim to buy their prom outfit for $100. This option is only available after your Sim gets the notification that prom is happening soon (same time as when the option to ask someone to prom is available).
- More Locker Notes (adeepindigo)
This mod adds more options for your Sims to leave notes in other Sim's lockers. They can also read notes that sims have left in their lockers. There are three types of notes available: Friendly, Mean, and Flirty.
- No Texting & Walking (TwistedMexi)
- Kids Sim Can Play Catch Football (Cepzid with Hekrabr)
- Trendi Band-aid (LeRoiDeTout) - for the save error caused by CC with "Fashion Rarity" tags
A band-aid mod for the Fashion Trend Service exception/error code 532/save failure.
This mod is a band-aid not a "proper fix": it simply helps you find the CC that you need to fix/remove and allows you to save your game. Note that the "groundhog day" bug is very likely caused by more than one underlying issue. This band-aid may help with it, but it may not fix the problem for all users as there may be something else going on that needs to be addressed. - High School Uniform Mod (Ksuihuh)
There are five options at this time. Choose only one. Use only one at a time. All students will show up in the chosen uniform, including Football team, Computer team and so on. They will change during School Events into their club's uniform, but in the school they will wear the school one.
- Grab Bubble Tea from Fridge (claudiasharon)
- SellOnTrendiAgain (LeRoiDeTout)
This one fixes an occasional bug that would prevent Sims from being able to properly sell outfits on Trendi to their buyers./quote]
- longerprom (Bienchen)
Prom will take 6 hours instead of 4.
- pairedhighschooldancingtweak (Bienchen)
Paired dancing at high school will now properly count as dancing with regard to skills, likes and dislikes,...
- After School Activities Only Once Per Week (LittleMsSam)
- Highschool Promote Fix (LittleMsSam)
When you play only in the active Highschool Career and follow your Teen each time, they will often not promote even if their performance is on top. I added a Loot to the Take Notes Interaction, when Teens are in class. This Loot tests if their Performance statistic is at least 95. If that is the case, they will promote.
- NPC Relationship Autonomy Fix (LittleMsSam)
With the Highschool DLC NPC Relationship Autonomy Interactions were added which happen totally random, so i added some tests to them to hopefully fix that
- Fashion Teens Only (Ilex)
Only teens spawn in with weird ThrifTea fashion outfits. Young adults and adults will still show up to buy bubble tea, but that's it.
- Less Weird Fashions (Ilex)
Generated outfits include fewer accessories. They're still random and ugly, but less over-the-top.
- No Teacher Sundress (Ilex)
Teachers won't show up to work in a short flowered sundress. I'm sure it would look fine on younger sims, but on the old lady teacher it just seemed out of place.
- Better Club Clothes (school clothes mod) (Ilex)
This one does a lot.
- Uniforms (school clothes mod) (Ilex), with add-ons/variations
All active high school students wear the Chess club outfit every day.
- Take Exam Fix (LittleMsSam)
When Teens in Highschool take their exam, they would just get up after a few minutes. This Mod is not a 100% Fix unfortunaley. I added a higher priority for the interaction, and disabled autonomy when attending class. Sometimes they still refuse to do the “take exam” Interaction but it seems to run much better with the Fix.
- Fear Dark in the Dark (NateTheL0ser)
makes it so sims who aren't afraid of the dark don't get the annoying scared buff and makes sure it's ACTUALLY dark outside
- High School Years CAS Hiders (plumbobsandcowplants)
- Calendar Tweaks (LittleMsSam)
With Highschool Years EA added Exam/Prom as forced Calendar Events which happen each Friday/Saturday. When you play longer Lifespans having Exam/Prom each Week can be a bit annoying. So i tried to find a way to prevent that without having to make a messy Exam/Prom Clone Event. This Mod is the result. Please read the Description carefully!
- Stop Notification Noises for High School Events Mod (Simularity)
- Copperdale Map Replacement (20th Century Plumbob)
- Smaller Football Override (glammoose)
- The Hopes & Fears Mod (MissyHissy)
- No Fear of Unfulfilled Dreams (lazarusinashes)
- No Texting & Driving: Smarter Phone Use Mod (Lot51)
Let your Teens and Geeks still use their phone while walking but in a smarter way! No Texting & Driving will disable the new route event while your Sims are running/skating/using vehicles or other walkstyles that may not make sense to casually use your phone. In addition to blocking phone idles during certain walkstyles, they have also been disabled for many other situations and specific Sims.
- School Colors & Better Outfits (Ilex)
- No Fear of a Dead-End Job (lazarusinashes)
- Social Bunny Overhaul (marlynsims)
----- - longerprom (Bienchen)
- SellOnTrendiAgain (LeRoiDeTout)
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