Re: [MOD/CC RELATED] Sims have a shattered/buggy face
For Sims whose faces are broken like this:
Current known mod/CC causes:
- Cien – No EA Lashes v6 and v7: all and Toddlers only
- Escaping Potplant – No EA Eyelashes (epp-noEAeyelashesUPDATE)
- evoxyr
- ear presets
- wavy baby present nose 03
- faaeish
- Cherub nose and lips toddler presets
- Pear lips toddler preset
- meeshi – babydoll presets
- melunn – Cupcake nose present
- miiko
- eye presets 1 and 2 – updated on Patreon
- lip presets 01 and 02 – updated on Patreon
- NorthSiberiaWinds – ears presets FN13
- obscurus – presets1
- Players Wonderland – PWEyePresets N04, N27, N29
- Sammi
- Mwah lip preset n110
- lip preset WB115
- Lip 1 (2018)
- Dandelion Lip N118 (2021)
- Nose N1 (2020), Nose N2 (2021)
- Seleng – Nose Preset No. 2
- Squea – Horns
- Ssspringroll
- Cyclops eyes
- two random presets
- StretchSkeleton - eye preset 04 v2
- Thelpethondiel – Cutienosepreset (2020)
- Zerbu
- Extracted Body/Face Presets (2017)
- More CAS Presets V2.package
and these merged files:
- Skin Details.package
- SkinsMerged4HQ.package
- SkinsMerged4.package
Possible other causes:
- various sliders
- game bug: If you have this issue on console, please head to that post.
- Reshade MXAO shader
- Removing the cause might not solve your problem right away. You might also need to update your Sim in CAS with a Maxis face preset.
- If you're on console or are a complete vanilla player and have never had CC or mods when you had this save, please head to Bug Reports. Otherwise, please start by assuming your issue is mod/CC-caused.
- Kijiko's No EA Eyelashes has not been a cause of this.
- If a 50-50 narrows the issue to a mod not mentioned here, please let us know!
New Bugfix Mod- UPDATED
- Crilender – Toddler Modifiers Remover This mod replaces an earlier Crilender bugfix. It's designed to work to fix results from one of the creator's own presets but should help with other preset-caused problems too. NOTE: This is NOT for preventing the problem. Use this mod only if you have a broken Sim to fix.
A batchfix in SIms4Studio can be done but remove default replacements first.