Re: Sims 4 White Screen on New Game
@DarkDeva26 Move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, and when you launch the game, if it launches, a clean folder will spawn with no content. (Your saves and other content will be intact in the folder you moved but temporarily not read by the game.) Don't add anything to the new folder yet; just let me know whether you can get far enough to start a new save and play in live mode for a bit.
If the game works in the new folder, you can test your existing content in that folder in batches: mods and cc first (although much of it is broken after this patch), then saves and Tray files. Other than UserSettings.ini (login rewards) and maybe Screenshots and Recorded Videos, the rest can be discarded.
If the clean folder doesn't help, please run a dxdiag and attach it to a post.