"BrianZ;c-17504598" wrote:
I tried this mod, but I kept deleting modules until there was nothing left. Menstruation? Absolutely NOT! Acne got annoying in a hurry. The last thing TS4 needs is MORE random social spam calls. There was always at least one household member sick at all times. A couple were redundant or conflicting with other mods. Eventually it had been pruned back to the point where, what does what's left even do?
Honestly, I am about where you are with it. I love the mod. I love the idea of the mod and I keep it on my laptop but I play challenges and legacies on my PC most of the time and on there it got somewhat old. I'm following the mod anyway because I'd love to see what the creator does it with in the future. It's got a lot of exciting features that I think should be within the actual game but they just need tweaking to find balance. But it's a great mod to show how in depth mods can be.