Can't save lots to Library.
I'm not able to save lots to my Library. Every time I try, I get the message, "Server error. We could not process this gallery request. Please try again later." I have tried on 2 separate 20x20 lots and on a 64x64 lot. I first noticed the issue approximately 24 hours ago when attempted to save my Sim's current lot for later modification and use in a new future save.
In case it's relevant, I had bought and downloaded the Cozy Bistro Kit a couple of hours earlier. I also have the newest EP, Businesses & Hobbies, since release. I play on console (PlayStation 4), so obviously have no mods or custom content installed.
This issue is being tracked in the open report here. Please be sure to add your information into this current thread to help us further track and review this. Thanks!