I have a console PS5 this happens the same and has been going for about 2 months. The game crashed each time you go visiting other sims the had crashed my ps 5 to the point where I took it off the ps5 and started again but still no changes with the game it still crashed. I got to the point where I have taken my ps5 in to get the hard drive checked as it started to crash other games as well but no where as bad as sims 4 dose. My ps5 is only 7 months old. This has disappeared me due to the fact that I pay good money for a product that seem not to work regardless on what you do to try and fix it. I have followed everything that playstation has said to do to fix it but no go. I feel I want my money back for every inch on the game I paid for. I am tired of EA Games taking a long time to fix this issue I am tired of EA Games taking my money and leaving with it and laughing in my face they are not listening to anyone of us about anything it seems to me. The only thing thay like to give us is new expansion packs and events that makes no sense. Lots of people have asked nicely to have these issues fix but you get no response and if do. The most i have ever seen EA GAMES say to people is sorry to see that is happening and still nothing gets done. It not good enough.