Forum Discussion
sorry i was in class , here it is!
alyssaswan14 thanks but as before it needs to be the whole Finder window clearly showing the path bar at the bottom. I have no idea of the location of your screenshot otherwise.
- alyssaswan148 days agoNew Traveler
- Bluebellflora7 days agoHero+
alyssaswan14 Thanks. That looks good although why do you have the Sims 4 Packs folder in the Electronic Arts folder? It should be in the same location as the base game installation.
Where is the new Electronic Arts folder being created when you launch the game?
- alyssaswan147 days agoNew Traveler
so it should be next to the Electronic Arts folder thats in that first screenshot? and the new folder is being created right next to the Electronic Arts folder thats in that first screenshot. i provided a picture for example
- Bluebellflora6 days agoHero+
alyssaswan14 can you please sort in list view so I can clearly see the full folder names.
The Sims 4 Packs folder should be in the same location as your base game. Where is your base game installed?
- alyssaswan146 days agoNew Traveler
here is the folder names
- alyssaswan146 days agoNew Traveler
the base game is in my SSD drive in a folder.
- Bluebellflora5 days agoHero+
Thanks. You may as well trash the Sims 4 Packs folder in the Documents folder, it's not doing anything.
Launch the game and quit at the main menu. Open the Sims 4 folder in the Electronic Arts folder on the external drive then take a screenshot of the whole Finder window and post it please. Then please open your Documents folder and post another screenshot of it here.
- alyssaswan145 days agoNew Traveler
- Bluebellflora5 days agoHero+
alyssaswan14 the Documents folder needs to be in list view, as previously requested.
- alyssaswan145 days agoNew Traveler
my apologies! here it is.
- Bluebellflora5 days agoHero+
alyssaswan14 That's what I needed to see, thanks. Your symlink is broken. You can tell because it is showing as a white document instead of a folder. This is why the game is creating a new Electronic Arts folder each time you launch it.
Trash the new Electronic Arts folder that has been created and trash the broken symlink then recreate the symlink. If it happens again come back and we'll check what could be causing it.
I've moved the posts from your original thread into this master symlink thread. It keeps all posts together, reducing duplication and helping others who have the same problem.
- alyssaswan144 days agoNew Traveler
Okay I did it and recreated the Symlink. I did the last step where you open the game and it worked except my saves and mods aren't there. I have a backup of them though so do I just copy and paste them? Thank you for all this help also
- Bluebellflora3 days agoHero+
alyssaswan14 click on one of your save files to select it then go to File > Get Info. Under the General bit it will show you the full file path of the file. Copy and paste it here.
- alyssaswan142 days agoNew Traveler
i ended up just copying and pasting the saves, tray files, and mods, and my sims is up and running smoothly!
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