135dec40:29f00e76:00000084:18a1dd51 error Sims 4 on Steam
I use SIms 4 on Steam, and recently I have this error: 135dec40:29f00e76:00000084:18a1dd51.
Windows defender is turned off... Mcrosoft all updated... what else does EA want from me?
I heard about "Go to C:// Program Files (x86) > Origin Games > The Sims4 > Game > Bin and add TS4_x64" - maybe due to Steam version I don't have that TS4_x64 file?
@noellefaraway In a Steam install, the default location for the .exe is here:
Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sims 4\Game\Bin
If you follow all the suggestions here:
and still can't play, please run a dxdiag and attach it to a post.
Please keep in mind that Origin does need to run properly when you play through Steam, so the Origin-related suggestions do still apply.