Forum Discussion

monjr8302's avatar
Rising Traveler
2 months ago

Alt+Tab not working

When I needed to get on the internet while playing my game on Windows PC, I was able to "alt"+"tab" to get there. Now, when doing so, it continues to stay on my game. Even when I hit the keys for task manager or windows. Did the shortcut keys change?

  • I have to revise my answer. Yes it worked after I restarted my computer, because my game for some reason reverted back to DX9. When I changed that to DX11 (again) the problem was back. Before the windows-button or alt+tab did nothing, now I can see the other things that are open on the computer, but I still can't switch to them. So the patch did not fix all that needed fixing. 

  • EmRed97's avatar
    Rising Novice

    i have the same issue, though it was my windows key that i would use...eaiest way to do temporaraly fix that is going into your game, go to options, look to your left a little and click on the down arrow and select windowed fullscreen mode. you can alt + tab then click on an icon on your task bar...i miss my windows button where it minimized my game...i miss it so much...😞

  • I had issues too even after my update, but I restarted my computer and now it works (I had by that time already repaired the game)

  • Bonxie_MCCC's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran

    Are you playing on Windows? If so, do you use the optional DX11 feature? 

    "alt" + "Tab" key combo was broken, but with Tuesdays patch it should have been fixed.

    Patchnotes: "Pressing Alt + Tab in Fullscreen Mode on Windows now opens the Task Switcher for computers with DirectX 11."

    If you're on a MAC or if you have already patched, that info is unfortunately outdated.