I would just like to make an important addition.
Changing the game to DX11 is not a guarantee of increased performance (even if your pc is compatible). As with other games, it is possible that changing to DX11 will cause a loss of performance, especially if your machine is not very powerful.
I did tests on an old machine that I have here at home, good processor, good memory, but it has a 2GB Geforce 1050 (a slightly old graphics card). Unfortunately, The Sims 4 in DX11 mode showed a drop of up to 15fps, and the fps were a little unstable.
CONCLUSION: Test your game. Enable the "FPS ON" cheat and compare the game in original mode with the game in DX11 mode.
If you notice that there has been a drop in FPS in DX11 mode, and performance has dropped, such as smooth movement in the camera, stay in the original mode of The Sims 4.
If you haven't noticed a drop in performance, stay on DX11.